📢 A Testbed | AI-CENTER Center em destaque nos novos espaços de inovação da Digital Nervous System Testbed da Ubiwhere! No passado dia 13 de dezembro, a Ubiwhere inaugurou os novos espaços de inovação da DNS Testbed num evento que se destacou como um ponto de encontro estratégico, promovendo o networking, o fomento de parcerias e troca de sinergias. ⚡ Esta inauguração contou com a presença do Secretário de Estado da Economia, João Rui Ferreira, do Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Aveiro, José Ribau Esteves, bem como de representantes do IAPMEI - Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação, da ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação , de várias Testbeds da Rede Nacional de Testbeds, como a Testbed | AI-CENTER, onde demos a conhecer os nossos produtos-piloto e os nossos serviços. 💡 Proef | CCG/ZGDV Institute | PRR - Recuperar Portugal | Comissão Nacional de Acompanhamento do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência CNA | PRR | Economia
📢 A historic day for innovation: Ubiwhere inaugurated the Digital Nervous System Testbed innovation spaces at H.UB in Aveiro! 📆 On the 13th of December, Ubiwhere celebrated another milestone in technological innovation by inaugurating three incredible spaces at H.UB in Aveiro: the Digital Nervous System Testbed Control Centre, the Digital Nervous System Testbed Makerspace, and the Edge Tech Open Lab. 🔹 Digital Nervous System Testbed Makerspace: a collaborative space that turns ideas into tangible prototypes; 🔹 Edge Tech Open Lab: the ideal environment for exploring edge computing solutions and connecting technology to the real world; 🔹Digital Nervous System Testbed Control Centre: the heart of the system, where innovation is monitored and made operational. More than an inauguration, this event celebrated collaboration, networking and fostering strategic partnerships. ⚡ Representatives of Testbeds from the National Network, innovative companies and leading organisations came together to share ideas and explore new synergies. 🔎 👉 We welcomed prestigious guests such as the Secretary of State for the Economy, João Rui Ferreira, the Mayor of Câmara Municipal de Aveiro, José Ribau Esteves, and representatives from ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação , IAPMEI and the National Testbeds Network. Participants also looked closer at the #DigitalNervousSystemTestbed pilot products and Ubiwhere's innovative solutions, such as the Urban Management Platform, which is already transforming how we manage our cities. 💻 We would like to thank everyone who attended this event! The future of technology in Portugal is brighter than ever. Join us on this journey of transformation! 💛💙💪 Economia | João Rui Ferreira | Câmara Municipal de Aveiro | IAPMEI | ANI | Agência Nacional de Inovação | AMCC - Aveiro Media Competence Center | Flatlantic - Actividades Piscícolas | Proef | Riasearch | NOS | Biocant Park | BGI - Building Global Innovators | Aliados Consulting | TICE.PT | Porto de Aveiro | PCI · Creative Science Park Aveiro Region | Testbed | AI-CENTER | Vodafone Power Lab | Digiwest - Wireless and Embedded Solutions, Lda. | PRR - Recuperar Portugal | Comissão Nacional de Acompanhamento do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência CNA | PRR