Why LinkedIn Newsletters Should Be Part of Your Strategy
On this week's live Q&A call, I had the chance to put your questions to Bruce Johnston - who is both a highly experienced LinkedIn specialist and a big advocate of leveraging LinkedIn newsletters.
Why LinkedIn newsletters should be part of your marketing strategy - and how to go about launching one - were amongst the key topics we discussed.
Below, you'll find the full recording - and here are the 7 topics we covered and the timestamps for skipping forward to whichever topics interest you the most. Our in-depth LinkedIn newsletter discussion lasted for around 14 minutes and you'll find it starting just after the 9 minute mark:
[2mins 30secs] Is it true that there's been a decline in post reach lately - and should we be worried about it?
[6mins 05secs] Is there any value in contributing to Collaborative Articles
[9mins 19secs] Why have you chosen to double down on producing LinkedIn newsletter content?
[16mins 30secs] If someone wants to launch a LinkedIn newsletter, what are some of the important things to get right - and the pitfalls to avoid?
[23mins 03secs] What do people need to know about the use of engagement pods on LinkedIn and how they are distorting the credibility of lots of people on LinkedIn?
[27mins 45secs] What kinds of results have you seen businesses get when they've implemented the right strategies on LinkedIn? What are realistic outcomes for a business owner to seek to achieve?
[32mins 16secs] Is there anything you think people are missing out on, things they are not using or not doing, that are holding them back from getting better results? (Hint: we talk about having a commenting strategy)
A couple of the interesting facts to emerge from the discussion were that:
You can expect 1/6 or more of your followers to opt-in to subscribe to your newsletter when you launch it (be that individual followers or company page followers)
A typical read rate for each newsletter edition will be 40% to 65% of your subscribers read each edition (which equates to far more visibility than if you just put your content out in a regular LinkedIn post or article)
I hope you find this helpful in considering how LinkedIn newsletters might play a part in your own social media strategy - and, if you need help thinking about your own company's strategy, you're welcome to drop me a message here and I'd be happy to help.
Helping Pharma businesses attract in-demand talent | President at Career Connections Canada Inc.
3moTony Restell Great advice, thank you!
Transform Your LinkedIn®️ Success: Elevate Your Brand, Unlock Opportunities, Build Authority and Drive Growth. A LinkedIn® Trainer, Speaker, and Consultant for 12 years. I've got the Shirt! 🌶️
3moIt was great to hear you both chatting on this topic. It is especially useful since I am about to take the plunge! 💦