Why do so many of us stay stuck in jobs we dislike?
I’m not judging by the way - I’ve been there too. This question comes up with clients (and friends!) time and time again. In my experience, the most common reasons tend to be variations of one of these themes:
Fear of Change: It’s easy to stick with what’s familiar, even when deep down we know we want more. Fear of change can make us stay in jobs that aren’t right for us - particularly in a challenging job market. I’ve also seen people stay in a role they’re unhappy with after a career move didn’t go as planned - sometimes admitting defeat feels scarier than staying stuck. If this resonates, remember: it’s okay to reassess and try again. The unknown can feel daunting - but growth often happens when we step into that discomfort.
Confusion: Sometimes, it’s not just fear or doubt holding you back - it’s a lack of clarity about what’s next. You know you want something different, but the vision of what that looks like is blurry. Not knowing what you really want can leave you feeling directionless. This uncertainty can cause many to stay stuck, even when they know their current situation isn’t right.
Financial Security: Financial security is a real and valid concern, especially if you have significant responsibilities. If you’re in a position where you can afford to take a slight risk, it might be time to consider your options - is it worth staying in a job that drains your energy or stifles your growth?
Confidence (or Imposter Syndrome): The lack of confidence or nagging doubts we all feel at times can hold us back from taking action. It's easy to second-guess our capabilities and settle for what feels "safe." This is something I see a lot in my work with clients - even when they are more than qualified for a new challenge, self-doubt can initially keep them from making the leap.
Burnout: When you're physically and mentally drained, change can feel like one more impossible task. Burnout leaves little room for self-reflection, let alone the energy to make a big shift.
For those with additional responsibilities - whether it’s working parents or those caring for others - the stakes can feel even higher. The idea of risking a steady job for the unknown can understandably feel daunting, but it’s important to acknowledge when the cost of staying outweighs the benefits.
So what can we do? The first step is often identifying exactly what’s holding you back.
Understanding the root cause gives you a clearer path forward, whether that's staying put (which might end up being the right option for you), overcoming fear, building confidence or getting clear on future goals. Coaching can make all the difference - it can help bring awareness, clarity, confidence, and momentum to your decision-making process.
From there you can start creating a realistic plan to move towards work that fulfils you.
In the words of the Red Hot Chili Peppers: "This life is more than just a read-through"
If you're ready to explore what’s next, working with a career coach can make the journey feel less daunting. We can work together to clarify your vision, boost your confidence, and map out the steps to where you want to be.
Reach out if I can help - and don’t forget, my 60% off launch offer ends today - with limited slots for Discovery calls remaining for Q4 ✨