Stop Blowing Your Cash & Having Your Heart Broken. Try This Marketing Budget Framework Instead. Thank Me Later.
These are the (5) questions you need to ask yourself before saying YES to any brand/marketing-related expense.
A lot of my clients are unsure of what to invest their cash into first when it comes to either building their brand from scratch or investing in solving an important brand or marketing problem in their business.
Unfortunately, there is no Auto Trader or Hockey Card Beckett for this—which means if you ask (3) different experts or vendors, you’re going to get (3) different answers.
So, this is what I recommend so you can apply logical thinking to feel good and prepared to have a meaningful discussion with a brand/marketing expert/teama who can get you sorted:
Determine the importance of the spend. How important is it for you to solve the problem and receive the strategy, assets, implementation, and coaching that are necessary?
Determine the speed at which the spend must start to provide a return on investment. You may be way off or unsure, it doesn't matter, this is an expectation that needs to be discussed so both parties are clear.
Determine how this spend helps you build the image, perceived value and equity of your brand.
Determine whether this spend will help you sell and market with conviction?
Determine if you instinctually trust and feel like the expert understands your current state and will be able to help you achieve your desired outcome/desired state.
Go through these questions yourself or with those on your leadership team and I’m sure you’re going to able to not only determine the answers you need but feel connected to what and why you’re investing at the level and rate you are and what on.
Yes, take the time. Write these out. Pen to paper. Have the internal discussions. Come prepared and confident to ask for exactly what you need (you won't know everything, but that's okay, the right experts will be able to meet you where you're at.), so you can be direct in finding the right experts and services.
In the world of brand and marketing, there are no guarantees, but it’s this kind of thinking that allows us to be rushed into making decisions based on pure emotion without applying logic.
If you dug this framework and found it useful 👍 Share it with someone in your network and give me a follow @RyanAnthony and be on the look for weekly content on brand, marketing, and selling that empowers you to sell and market with conviction.
Founder & CEO, Group 8 Security Solutions Inc. DBA Machine Learning Intelligence
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