Say These Things Instead
It was during the madness of summer 2020 that I decided to change how I show up on social media, and in the future spend very little, if any time opining about political or social issues. That abstinence can be challenging for me at times because I am someone with very strong views about a lot of things. I'm going to break from that abstinence for a moment.
I've been shocked and disgusted by so many things I've seen posted here and on other platforms such as TikTok the last few days. I've seen people celebrating the events of July 13th. I've seen people expressing disappointment that "he missed." I've seen people expressing hope for "better luck next time." And yes, I would be equally as disgusted if it had been the other guy in the bullseye, or any other person for that matter.
Every one of us has at our fingertips the ability to speak to hundreds, thousands, even millions of people.
No other generation in history has had the voice, and the reach, that every single one of us has. And we are the first couple of generations in history where a single person can actually cause and change world events, and affect the future of civilization, with just our words. Each of us has immense power, freedom, and yes, responsibility.
Every time you pull your phone out of your pocket, or open your laptop and begin typing, you are exercising that power and freedom, but far too often, too many of us forget the responsibility part, and are completely mindless about the potential consequences of our words and actions.
We all want to express our thoughts and opinions. We all want to speak out in favor of what we believe, and against what we don't. We all want to be heard as we attempt to influence the quality of our own lives and affect the future. There is an appropriate time, place, and way to call out wrongdoing, to hold people to account, to demand justice. Most of what we've seen, from all sides, these past few years is more destructive than productive, more harmful than healing.
I want to offer a suggestion when you feel compelled to speak, or post, and are searching for the words and sentiments to express.
And I think, if we all follow this suggestion, there's a chance the days ahead can be filled with more light than darkness.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something that is true.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something that is honorable.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something beautiful.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something that others would call admirable.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something about the excellence you see in others.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something that lifts up others instead of tearing them down.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something that brings comfort and healing.
Looking for something to say or post? Say something that is worthy of being celebrated and repeated by good, admirable people.
Every single thing you see in your world today is the result of trillions of individual thoughts, opinions, actions, and consequences over tens of thousands of years.
You will shape the future and change the world today. It may be imperceptible right now, but your impact on this world is unavoidable, because you're alive in it. The question is, what kind of world are you going to shape, and will you be remembered for goodness or evil, harming or healing, a beautiful world or a desolate wasteland?
Be well.
Do good.
Now is the time.