Relationship Goals, Chapter 4: Time to set the hook!
Set the hook and start reeling
OK. You feel prepared for the next step - tackle box stocked, fishing pole clean and ready, and the perfect shady corner of the lake selected. You've defined your target audience and figured out exactly where they "hang" (shady spot). You've created your content strategy and it's ready to roll (lure selection). You've started pushing content and casting out your line. What happens when you finally feel that nibble? It's time to set the hook!
Let's reverse engineer for a moment. Whether you've brought your new YETI cooler, have a built-in fish box, or plan to add each prized fish to a stringer, you must have a place to store each catch. Before you add the fish to the cooler, you'll need to determine whether or not they're a keeper. Before you determine whether or not they're a keeper, you must be able to reel them in. Before you reel them in, you must be able to set the hook.
Now, in proper order. Setting the hook requires a link back to your website - specifically to a specific landing page unique to the content you're posting. For example, if you're posting about CRM, link readers back to a CRM landing page. Get your reader to tug at the line on Linkedin or Twitter, then set the hook when they click on this link. Once they've arrived at the landing page, it's time to reel them in. Make it easy for them to stay a while and provide you with more information. Create a simple form on each landing page. Data points like Name, Company, and Contact Information are vital. These elements enable you to identify the lead and determine whether or not they're ready for the cooler or simply catch and release until next time.
After you've reeled them in, it's time to tag and measure. Identify the lead. Research who they are and what they do. What's their propensity to buy? Did they look at any other pages on your site after being reeled in? How long did they sit on certain pages? Were they really just looking for a job? To achieve this, you must install proper monitoring technology. A tool like Lead Forensics provides all of this information for a monthly fee.
Decision time. If you notice a "catch" fits your target audience, seems to have an immediate need, and spent a lot of time on your site, carefully place them in the YETI (Foreshadow: your YETI is your CRM). If they aren't quite the right size or don't seem ready to buy yet, simply catch and release. You will know when you catch that same fish again because your monitoring tools will tell you. Let them come back to you when they're ready. Likely, they've just begun their research process and need some time to examine their options. Keep pushing out exciting and relevant content - they'll be back.
Any good fisherman knows it's a game of patience. Building the right Customer Experience strategy, installing the right tools, and constantly monitoring are the best ways to cast, set, reel, and measure. Sure, you can develop a customer base without these items - companies have done it before. But, tell me, would you rather sit on the bank with a cane pole or set yourself up for optimal success with the exact equipment you need to catch exactly what you're fishing for?
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