How to make the best use of the new Search Term tab in Campaign Manager
Just this past week a new tab popped up in Seller Central. It allows you to see the search terms right inside campaign manager. As of yet there's no option to directly and add search terms as new keywords or negative keywords from this tab. (Amazon if you're listening, please?)
That doesn't mean this new feature isn't pretty useful. Here's a quick rundown of the some of its functions and how you can make the best use of them.
First off to find the new search term tab you'll have to click into the campaign and then the ad group.
Once inside you'll be able to see a list of all the search terms that received a click, much like a search term report. You can select specific date ranges. Say a campaign's ACoS started to shoot up. You can now isolate the dates in the search term tab to peer behind the keywords. Yes, you could do this via a search term report, but the search term tab is useful for quick trouble shooting.
Additionally you can also select the various columns you would like to view. Things like impressions, conversion rate, cost-per-click, etc.
Now onto one of the most useful features, filters.
Located on the left hand side, you can apply filters to isolate search terms with various properties.
Looking for new keywords? Sort by orders greater than or equal 1 to isolate any search terms that made a sale.
You can also layer filters.
Say you want to find search terms to add as negative keywords. You could filter to find terms with 0 sales and above 20 clicks (or whatever benchmark number of clicks you use)
Once you've isolated the search terms with the metrics you want you can click the button on the right labeled "export"
This will generate a CSV file which you can open and quickly copy and paste, or use however you like.
Perhaps Amazon will add new features in the future. Yah, the information you get from the search term tab isn't revolutionary. However, it can be useful for quick optimizations and troubleshooting. I'd be interested to hear how others are using it. Do you think it's useful, or are you doing just fine without it?
Chief Marketing Officer | Product MVP Expert | Cyber Security Enthusiast | @ GITEX DUBAI in October
2yElizabeth, thanks for sharing!