How I referred 79 new user signups in 3 days
On Monday, May 3rd, I setup my Polywork profile. Not expecting what the next 5 days would entail. I started to add badges and my bio. Basically just the profile details, and hadn't really dove into "Posts" yet.
On Wednesday, at 4:35pm, the Polywork team asked if I wanted an invite code for my followers. And of course I agreed. I loved that they reach out to me, made me feel special and allowed me to be a part of something really exciting for them. I was ready to be a promoter.
I agreed to write a blog post for them, and I asked if I could get an inside peek into what they're up to and what their goals were. I wanted to make sure I provided a value in my content. Their CEO & founder scheduled time with me on that Thursday, mid-day. We chatted about their mission, how to best leverage the platform and their exciting new features.
After that call I felt energized. Their founder seemed like a really incredible human being and I wanted to help them grow because they put trust in me (with the post).
Sharing my invite code
I started sharing my invite code as soon as I received it, but more of the effort came after I chatted with their founder. I began writing my blog post Thursday afternoon, and delivered by EOD Thursday night. Their team reviewed a bit that night and right away the next morning, we finalized the post, and had it live Friday AM at 8:06am central. Live on Devocate's blog as well as emailed to 205 subscribers that consist of folks in developer relations, engineers, founders & startup team members.
After I wrote the blog post, and sent it to my subscribers, I began staging a few social posts and engagement tactics. I could improve my social strategy skills hugely, but what I am good at is knowing what audiences want. The social tactics tend to not matter when I target the right audience with the right content. And in this case, I think the content hit home pretty well.
You can view all of the social posts and their metrics (as of 5/8 at 8pm ct) in an Airtable base.
I was responsible for 79 Polywork signups. 7.98% of the people currently on the platform today were referred by me.
I had 4,440 followers when most of this work was taking place. I am not a big developer influencer with a huge following. And with my 4,440 followers on Twitter, I was able to accomplish the following metric totals.
Total metrics across all deliverables
- 85 unique views on the blog post
- Blog post sent to 205 subscribers, thus far read by 58 subscribers
- 254 impressions on LinkedIn posts
- 1 engagement on Facebook
- 26,596 impressions on Twitter
- 853 engagements on Twitter
- 1 Raquet with 10 likes & 20 plays
I am one person with 4,440 followers on Twitter, approximately 1,500 LinkedIn connections, and less than 50 followers across Facebook. Yet, I was able to accomplish 79 user signups.
This is what I do for my clients
I leverage customer developer advocacy to build a strong developer audience. One that comes with trust and advocacy right off the bat. Because when your trusted friend tells you something's great, you usually believe it to be true.
Take a peek at Polywork yourself, and be sure to snag my invite code from this blog post.
Full disclosure: Polywork compensated me for writing the blog post about them. I chose to engage in the other advocacy deliverables, like sharing it on my blog, from my social accounts, and leveraging a raquet call with a connection of mine. I believe in Polywork, so I was happy to do it.