Helping Businesses Devote Themselves To The Self-Interests Of Their Clients
Have you ever came across a business that is so incredibly obsessed with it's product, widget or solution and that is literally all the talk about the entire interaction. They talk about it all over their websites, video sales letters and it's all about features that it has and how it's the best in the business. The problem is that this self-interested behavior translates into the future business relationship you will have with that company. It's hard to blame these companies but the fact of the matter is that we are all naturally self-interested, therefore we tend to build our companies this way as well. After all our business is an extension of ourselves and our way of thinking.
The key shift that's required here is to authentically put yourself into the shoes of your clients and list out their most deepest desires in the form of their self-interests. On a daily basis, we must practice replacing our natural self-interest no matter how difficult it may be with those self-interests of the people you so loyally engage with and are in business to advise and serve. You may be reading this and thinking what a joke of course it is about the client. But ask yourself, are you truly devoted to the self-interests of your clients in every action you do in your business? How about your staff? Have they replaced their natural self-interest with the self-interests of your clients in every activity they do in your business?
Frequently, we see businesses obsessed with the differentiation question particularly in industries with high competition where competitors are doing virtually the same thing as each other. This is frequently the case in the financial sector where there is a lot of redundancy. Differentiation is very simply your unique way to take the risk away in the transaction. But why I wonder are businesses so stuck on differentiation when this has been triumphed several decades ago by the concept of client devotion as the guiding factor to success in business. Don't misread this last part, you still need a core differentiation, but it must be secondary to a clear implementation of devoting the purpose of your company to the clients in everything you do.
This can not be done half way it needs to be the reason why your company exists and why your employees work their and what brings you and your clients joy and excitement. Think about it for a second, when you achieve something that is part of your self interests, it gets us excited and we get a little rush each time. Now imagine you authentically got the same feeling from fulfilling the self-interests of your clients. That's the ultimate goal in business. Once you fulfill on the self-interests of your clients over and over again financial freedom is inevitable. When you truly care about the self-interests of your clients and replace your self-interests with theirs, prospects and clients recognize that and it's refreshing for them to experience and they will love you for it.