Getting New Sales People Up the Revenue Ramp
I have spent a lot of time in my career developing the tools and training that sales need to be effective. At no time in the salesperson career is this work more important than for the new salesperson. However, recently I observed that many companies still don't have an effective on-boarding/training program. Or if they do, their hiring strategy is not aligned with their on-boarding program.
An effective on-boarding program gives the sales person confidence in the company, the company tools & processes, the companies target customer and value proposition and the companies solutions. It helps them have conversations with target customers quickly and sequences the learning with their progress in the sales process so they learn just in time.
Also critical to drive a fast ramp for sales, is to align your hiring strategy with the on-boarding program. For example: does your on-board program include selling skills? If not then you better people withe proven sales methodology you are seeking. If your on-board program focuses on selling but assumes technical competencies then hiring technically saavy people is critical.
Is your hiring strategy aligned with your on-boarding program? I'd love to hear your thoughts.