Economy of Loss
Every gain has an opportunity cost- very simple fundamental rule of finance and economics e.g. if we are investing 100 USD in project A, in order to calculate effective gain of the investment, we need to consider opportunity cost for investing 100 USD for a secured investment or other available opportunities. This is practiced throughout business, what we miss however is to reflect in our lives if the calculation is going right and eventually we are making profit.
- Think of the time we invest on issue resolution – what all opportunities we are losing to create, develop something better
- Think of the time we invest in worrying too much about things – what all opportunities we are losing to be happy
- Think of the time we invest in creating difficult situations for others – what all opportunities we are losing to make world beautiful
Even at workplace thinking of time we want to gain by being casual, ignorant and faster vs. all opportunities we are missing to do it right first time - tells us that we are not often doing the right business for profit.
So it is important to make decisions (to the extent possibility of rationality) after adequate evaluation of economy of losses we are making to gain may be something which is not even worth, which it seems to be momentarily.