Business owners : Contribute to an important national study to understand small business challenges
We need your help! Please consider taking 10 minutes of your time to contribute to a national survey on the biggest challenges facing business owners. Click here to take the survey.
The insights gained from the study will be shared publicly with owners and organizations who support the small business community and will be used to develop and test solutions to the most common and frustrating challenges of small business owners.
Your responses to this survey will remain anonymous, and your participation will not place you on any marketing or sales lists.
The survey is being conducting by three real-deal Arizona-based professionals in the small business space: author and business coach Pam Slim, professional market researcher Susan Baier of Audience Audit and small business marketing technology master Chris Lee of PurpleCRM.
I have known Pam, Susan and Chris for many years and they are super pros who are working together on a really big, national-scale project to help small businesses overcome their biggest struggles.
Here's the link to the survey:
Thank you for helping them better understand your needs, and feel free to share this invitation with other small business owners you know!