Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security

Automated RDS Snapshot Management for Improved Data Security

This article was authored by Joshua Emmanuel Santiago, a college student at Mapúa University pursuing a BS in Information Technology, while serving as an intern at Tutorials Dojo.

The Automated Daily RDS Export ensures daily snapshots of Amazon RDS instances are created and shared. Although RDS automatically generates daily snapshots, they are not shareable by default. To resolve this, the process involves copying the snapshots and sharing them with a specified backup account. This task is automated using AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge. EventBridge triggers the Lambda function daily, which handles the copying and sharing of the snapshots. This automation guarantees that shareable snapshots are created consistently daily, improving the reliability and availability of database backups without requiring manual effort.

The Automated Daily RDS Export offers several key advantages for managing database backups. Automating the creation of shareable snapshots minimizes the potential for errors and guarantees consistent backup creation. This process not only saves time but also allows teams to focus on higher-priority tasks. Having shareable snapshots simplifies data recovery in the event of a disaster. Additionally, storing backups in a separate account enhances security by reducing the chances of data loss or corruption. Overall, this automated solution ensures a dependable and efficient approach to database backup management.

Implementation Steps

Backup Account

Step 1: Set up a Lambda Function in the backup account to copy the newly shared RDS Snapshot to another region.

  • Function name: td-shared-rds-snapshot (Replace with the desired name)
  • Runtime: Python 3.9

Ensure to replace the following:

  • Actual source region: us-east-2
  • Desired target region: us-east-1

import boto3
import time
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Wait for 10 seconds - This will wait for the RDS Snapshot to be shared.
# Initialize the RDS client for the source region (where the snapshot is shared with you)
rds_source_region = boto3.client('rds', region_name='us-east-2') # Replace with the actual source region
# Specify the source region (us-east-2) and the source AWS account ID
source_region = 'us-east-2' # Replace with the actual source region
source_account_id = 'YOUR_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID' # Replace with your AWS account ID
# Initialize the RDS client for the target region (where you want to copy the snapshot)
rds_target_region = boto3.client('rds', region_name='us-east-1') # Replace with the desired target region
# Specify the target region (us-east-1)
target_region = 'us-east-1' # Replace with the desired target region
# List shared snapshots for the specified source region and account
response = rds_source_region.describe_db_snapshots(
MaxRecords=500, # Increase the max records to ensure coverage
# Check if there are any shared snapshots found
snapshots = response['DBSnapshots']
if not snapshots:
return {
'statusCode': 404,
'body': 'No shared snapshots found for the specified source region and account.'
# Sort the snapshots by creation time (most recent first)
snapshots.sort(key=lambda x: x['SnapshotCreateTime'], reverse=True)
# Get the most recently created shared snapshot identifier
source_snapshot_identifier = snapshots[0]['DBSnapshotIdentifier']
# Specify the target snapshot identifier based on the source identifier
target_snapshot_identifier = 'copy-' + source_snapshot_identifier.replace(':', '-')
# Copy the shared RDS snapshot from the source region (us-east-1) to the target region (us-east-2)
copy_response = rds_target_region.copy_db_snapshot(
# Get the identifier of the newly created snapshot from the copy response
new_snapshot_identifier = copy_response['DBSnapshot']['DBSnapshotIdentifier']
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': f'Shared snapshot "{source_snapshot_identifier}" is now copying to {target_region} region as "{new_snapshot_identifier}".'
except Exception as e:
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': f'Error: {str(e)}'

Step 2: Add this role to the Lambda Function.

  • Name it as td-shared-rds-snapshot (Replace it with your desired function name)

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
         "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Action": [
         "Resource": "*"

Step 3: Create an Event Bus.

Note: As per the AWS documentation, RDS Shared Snapshot event is currently unavailable. Therefore, we will opt for cross-account event buses using EventBridge. To implement this, we will create an EventBridge rule that will transfer snapshot copy events to the backup account’s EventBridge bus. Then, we can attach a Lambda function to the Event bus in the backup account.

  • Go to Amazon EventBridge → Event buses → Create event bus
  • Name: td-shared-rds-snapshot-bus (Replace with your desired name)
  • Resource-based policy

PROD Account: “”

Backup Account: “”

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [{
   "Sid": "sid1",
   "Effect": "Allow",
   "Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::54645683453:root"
   "Action": "events:PutEvents",
   "Resource": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1:54645683453:event-bus/td-shared-rds-snapshot-bus" (Replace with your desired name)

Step 4: Under the Created Event bus (td-shared-rds-snapshot-bus), create an Amazon Eventbridge (CloudWatch Events) rule to trigger the Lambda function.

  • Name: td-shared-rds-snapshot (Replace with your desired name)
  • Description: Copy the shared RDS Snapshot to a different region.

  "source": [
  "detail-type": [
   "RDS DB Snapshot Event"
  "detail": {
   "SourceType": [
   "EventID": [

Step 5: Copy the ARN of the created Event Bus. We will be using it later on the source account.

  • Backup Account:

Deletion of RDS Snapshots (Backup Account):

  • In terms of cost management, keeping only one snapshot at the end of each month is recommended.
  • Based on the information provided, it is expected that there will be 12 snapshots per year.
  • Move the 12 RDS snapshots to the Amazon S3 Glacier.

Step 1: Create a Lambda Function to keep only one RDS snapshot at the end of each month.

  • Function name: td-keep-one-rds-snapshot-each-month
  • Runtime: Python 3.9

import boto3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Initialize the RDS client
rds = boto3.client('rds')
# Specify the maximum number of snapshots to keep each month
max_snapshots_to_keep = 1 # Number of snapshots to keep each month
# Target region
target_region = 'us-east-2'
# Initialize the list of snapshots to delete
snapshots_to_delete = []
# Calculate the current date
current_date =
# Calculate the last day of the previous month
last_day_of_previous_month = current_date.replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
# Calculate the date format for snapshot identifier (e.g., 2023-08-31)
snapshot_identifier_date = last_day_of_previous_month.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# List all manual snapshots from the AWS account
response = rds.describe_db_snapshots(
# Sort the snapshots by creation time (most recent first)
snapshots = response['DBSnapshots']
snapshots.sort(key=lambda x: x['SnapshotCreateTime'], reverse=True)
# Identify the snapshots from the last day of the month
snapshots_to_keep = [snapshot for snapshot in snapshots if snapshot['SnapshotCreateTime'].date() ==]
# Delete extra snapshots if there are more than max_snapshots_to_keep
if len(snapshots_to_keep) > max_snapshots_to_keep:
snapshots_to_delete = snapshots_to_keep[max_snapshots_to_keep:]
for snapshot in snapshots_to_delete:
rds.delete_db_snapshot(DBSnapshotIdentifier=snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier'], RegionName=target_region)
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': f'Kept {len(snapshots_to_keep)} snapshots from {snapshot_identifier_date} and deleted {len(snapshots_to_delete)} snapshots in region {target_region}.'

Step 2: Add this policy to the Lambda Function.

  • Name it as td-move-rds-snapshots-to-s3-glacier (Replace with your desired name)

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": "rds:DescribeDBSnapshots",
           "Resource": "*"

Step 3: Create a CloudWatch Event to run this function every month.

  • Go to Lambda Configuration → Triggers
  • Name: keep-one-rds-snapshot-each-month (Replace with your desired name)
  • Schedule expression: cron(0 15 L * ? *)

Step 4: Create AWS KMS – We will be needing this in Step 7.

  • Exporting RDS Snapshots to Amazon S3 requires KMS even if the RDS Snapshots are not encrypted.
  • Ensure that the KMS matches the region where the RDS Snapshots are stored.
  • Refer to this KMS.

Step 5: Create an Amazon S3 Bucket.

Note: Ensure that the region in Amazon S3 matches the region where the RDS Snapshots are stored.

  • Name: td-rds-snapshots (Replace with your desired name)
  • Region: us-east-1

Step 6: Once created, go to Management → Create Lifecycle rule.

  • Follow these configurations:

  • Once done, click the Create rule button.

Step 7: Create a Lambda Function that will move the 12 RDS snapshots to the Amazon S3 Glacier every year.

  • Function name: td-move-rds-snapshots-to-s3-glacier-yearly (Replace with your desired name)
  • Runtime: Python 3.9

Make sure to replace the following:

  • Source region: us-east-2
  • S3 bucket name: td-rds-snapshots
  • IAM role ARN
  • kms_key_id

import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Initialize AWS clients
rds = boto3.client('rds', region_name='us-east-2') # Replace with your 
s3_bucket = 'td-rds-snapshots' # Replace with your S3 bucket name
# List all manual snapshots
response = rds.describe_db_snapshots(SnapshotType='manual')
# Export snapshots to Amazon S3
for snapshot in response['DBSnapshots']:
snapshot_arn = snapshot['DBSnapshotArn']
export_task_id = snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier']
iam_role_arn = '' # Replace with your IAM role ARN
kms_key_id = ''
s3_prefix = f'rds-snapshots/{export_task_id}' # Replace with your desired S3 prefix
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': f'Started export tasks for {len(response["DBSnapshots"])} snapshots.'
except Exception as e:
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': f'Error: {str(e)}'

Step 8: Add these policies to the Lambda Function.

  • Name it as td-move-rds-snapshots-to-s3-glacier (Replace with your desired name)

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": "*"

  • Create another one, name it td-pass-role (Replace with your desired name)

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": "iam:PassRole",
           "Resource": "*"

Step 9: Create a CloudWatch Event to run this function every year.

  • Go to Lambda Configuration → Triggers
  • Name: td-move-rds-snapshots-to-s3-glacier-yearly (Replace with your desired name)
  • Schedule expression: cron(0 15 1 1 ? *)

Copy the Automated RDS Snapshot to the same region

Step 1: Create a Lambda Function that copies the system snapshots to make them shareable.

  • Function name: td-copy-system-rds-snapshot (Replace with your desired name)
  • Runtime: Python 3.9

Ensure to replace the following:

  • RDS instance ID: prod-tutorialsdojo-portal-db-v2
  • Desired region: us-east-2

import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Initialize the RDS client
rds = boto3.client('rds')
# Specify the RDS instance identifier
rds_instance_identifier = 'prod-tutorialsdojo-portal-db-v2' # Replace with your RDS instance ID
# List automated snapshots for the specified RDS instance
response = rds.describe_db_snapshots(
MaxRecords=500, # Increase the max records to ensure coverage
# Check if there are any snapshots found
snapshots = response['DBSnapshots']
if not snapshots:
return {
'statusCode': 404,
'body': 'No completed automated snapshots found for the specified RDS instance.'
# Sort the snapshots by creation time (most recent first)
snapshots.sort(key=lambda x: x['SnapshotCreateTime'], reverse=True)
# Get the most recently created snapshot identifier
source_snapshot_identifier = snapshots[0]['DBSnapshotIdentifier']
# Initialize the RDS client for the same region
rds_same_region = boto3.client('rds', region_name='us-east-2') # Replace with your desired region
# Specify the target region (same region)
target_region = 'us-east-2' # Replace with your desired region
# Modify the identifier to meet naming conventions
target_snapshot_identifier = 'copy-' + source_snapshot_identifier.replace(':', '-')
# Copy the most recently created automated RDS snapshot to the same region
copy_response = rds_same_region.copy_db_snapshot(
# Get the identifier of the newly created snapshot from the copy response
new_snapshot_identifier = copy_response['DBSnapshot']['DBSnapshotIdentifier']
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': f'Newly created snapshot "{new_snapshot_identifier}" is now copying.'
except Exception as e:
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': f'Error: {str(e)}'

Step 2: Add these policies to the Lambda Function.

  • Name it as td-copy-system-rds-snapshot (Replace with your desired name)

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": "*"

Step 3: Utilize Amazon Eventbridge (CloudWatch Events) to trigger this function.

  • Name: td-copy-system-rds-snapshot (Replace with your desired name)
  • Description: Create a copy of the automatically generated RDS snapshot.

  "source": [
  "detail-type": [
   "RDS DB Snapshot Event"
  "detail": {
   "Message": [
    "Automated snapshot created"

Share the RDS Snapshot to the Backup Account

Step 4: Create a Lambda Function to send the new RDS snapshot to the backup account.

  • Function name: share-rds-snapshot (Replace with your desired name)
  • Runtime: Python 3.9

import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Initialize the RDS client
rds = boto3.client('rds')
# Specify the AWS account ID
source_aws_account_id = 'YOUR_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID' # Replace with PROD AWS account ID
target_aws_account_id = 'YOUR_TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID' # Replace with the Backup Account AWS account ID
# Specify the RDS instance identifier
rds_instance_identifier = 'YOUR_RDS_INSTANCE_IDENTIFIER' # Replace with your RDS instance ID
# List manual snapshots for the specified RDS instance
response = rds.describe_db_snapshots(
SnapshotType='manual', # Specify 'manual' for manual snapshots
MaxRecords=500, # Increase the max records to ensure coverage
# Check if there are any snapshots found
snapshots = response['DBSnapshots']
if not snapshots:
return {
'statusCode': 404,
'body': 'No completed manual snapshots found for the specified RDS instance.'
# Sort the snapshots by creation time (most recent first)
snapshots.sort(key=lambda x: x['SnapshotCreateTime'], reverse=True)
# Get the most recently created snapshot identifier
source_snapshot_identifier = snapshots[0]['DBSnapshotIdentifier']
# Share the snapshot with the target AWS account
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': f'Manual snapshot "{source_snapshot_identifier}" is now shared with Backup Account.'
except Exception as e:
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': f'Error: {str(e)}'

Step 5: Add these policies to the Lambda Function.

  • Name it as td-share-rds-snapshot (Replace with your desired name)

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": "*"

Step 6: Utilize Amazon Eventbridge (CloudWatch Events) to trigger this function.

  • Name: td-share-rds-snapshot (Replace with your desired name)
  • Description: Share the RDS Snapshot with the Backup Account

  "source": [
  "detail-type": [
   "RDS DB Snapshot Event"
  "detail": {
   "SourceType": [
   "EventID": [

Step 7: Add the created custom event bus from the Backup Account:


The Automated Daily RDS Export is a crucial solution for efficiently managing database backups. It guarantees that daily snapshots of Amazon RDS instances are created and are shareable. Although RDS automatically generates daily snapshots, they are not shareable by default. To address this, the snapshots are copied and shared with a designated backup account. This task is automated using AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge, with EventBridge triggering the Lambda function daily to handle the snapshot copying and sharing. Automating the process reduces errors and ensures consistent backups, freeing teams to focus on other priorities. Shareable snapshots facilitate quick data recovery during a disaster while storing backups in a separate account boosts security. This solution offers a reliable and efficient approach to managing database backups and improving security and recovery capabilities.

* This newsletter was sourced from this Tutorials Dojo article.

* For more learning resources, you may visit:

Bisrate Dinka

Senior Software Engineer at National Student Clearinghouse


Thank You for posting this relevant information about RDS

Remesh Govind N M

VP Data Eng. | AWS Certified Architect | Software Delivery | Helping Startups / IT Driven companies with Data Integration, Big data, Mobile applications, iOS , Android, Cloud, Web


Tons of effort. Much appreciated

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