Why Draftboard v1 Didn’t Work: A Post-Mortem First up: the long feedback loop. Hiring is notoriously time-consuming. Even after crafting and posting a job description—a process in itself—there’s a lengthy path from sourcing to screening to scheduling and, finally, onboarding. We’re talking months, not weeks. For an early-stage startup like ours, speed is everything. To iterate and improve the product, user experience, and business model, we need rapid cycles of feedback. Draftboard v1 didn’t allow for that. While we could quickly measure top-of-funnel metrics—new scouts, applicants, referrals, first interviews—it took far too long to gather data on what happened at the bottom of the funnel, such as offers made, offers accepted, and candidate retention. The result? We were only able to make adjustments to the top of the funnel, while critical insights from the hiring outcomes were too delayed to act on effectively. Without a fast feedback loop, feature prioritization became guesswork. Any action taken to address bottom-funnel issues would take months to show results—by then, we were often focused elsewhere. Ultimately, this wasn’t sustainable. We reached a point where product improvements aimed at bottom-funnel challenges had low confidence for success and would take far too long to validate. In a startup world driven by limited time and resources, this approach just doesn’t work. It became clear we needed to fundamentally reassess whether our core hypothesis was still viable—and, as it turns out, it wasn’t. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post: The Leaky Bucket.
great insights, looking forward to learning about this bucket 🪣
Engineering leader
22hI don’t know your detailed stats, but personally I think the product in v1 is very good. I wonder how different things would have been had you launched in 2021-2022 when companies were desperate to hire left and right, and decent software engineers and product managers were getting weekly or even daily emails from recruiters. Right now, it seems that many companies have the opposite problem of too many applications for too few jobs (in tech… this probably doesn’t apply as much to the wider economy), so paying a referral bonus is less enticing. In any case, excited to hear about what comes next.