Leadership Development | Organizational Transformation | Team Effectiveness | Change Management | Certified Practitioner, Everything DiSC | Former Vice President, Comcast Cable
14 bosses in 24 years. Too many? Nope! Each one shaped me. Tomorrow is National Boss' Day. I thought about the 14 leaders I reported to over my 24 years at Comcast. Some led me for years, others for just a few months. But every single one shaped my journey. Here are a few lessons learned: 1️⃣ Great bosses elevate people: They see your potential before you do. 2️⃣ Authenticity matters: The leaders I admired most were supportive, human, and real. 3️⃣ Listening is everything: Not just hearing the words. But understanding needs, aspirations, and fears. These are skills I strive to bring to my work every day. To all the bosses out there making a difference: Thank you. If you have a boss that inspires you, take a moment tomorrow to celebrate them. We all play a part in creating better workplaces. For fun: the graphic accompanying this post shows some cartoon likenesses of 4 of the 14. Identify them in the comments! #NationalBossDay #leadership #elevatingeveryone
I'm guessing Tina Simmons because she was one of my great bosses! Have no idea if she was a part of your journey!
Doug, what a thoughtful reflection on National Boss' Day! It's clear that you've had some impactful leaders who helped shape your career. I especially love the emphasis on authenticity and listening—those qualities truly make a difference in leadership. Thanks for sharing these insights, and here’s to all the bosses out there who inspire, uplift, and guide their teams every day!
Founder @ WFM Labs | SVP Intradiem | Workforce Management, Customer Service & Artificial Intelligence
1moLol, I'll go out on a limb and guess John Gauder on #3. Of course I have no idea if he was one of the 4....