This is a nice paper from a young PhD student in Morocco, Mohammed K.. The focus is on the use of #virtualreality in #healthcare #learning and #education. The specific use case is #anatomy and a test of the Immersive Virtual Anatomy Laboratory (IVAL). IVAL combines virtual reality and serious games to enhance anatomy education. The study compared IVAL with traditional learning methods regarding educational effectiveness and user acceptance. 120 undergraduate health-science students were participants and were randomly assigned to two groups: Experimental Group: Used IVAL. Control Group: Followed traditional learning methods. Data Collection: Quantitative: Pretest and posttest vocabulary scores, task completion times. Qualitative: User experience questionnaire. Framework: Utilizes Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) focusing on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. Results: Vocabulary Scores: Experimental group saw a 55.95% increase. Task Completion Times: Experimental group experienced an 18.75% reduction. Qualitative feedback indicated higher Perceived Usefulness, improved Perceived Ease of Use, positive attitudes towards IVAL, and strong Behavioral Intention to continue using IVAL. Conclusion: IVAL shows promise in enhancing anatomy education effectiveness and enjoyment; indicates the potential for immersive learning environments to improve learning outcomes and user acceptance. Really nice work and an important application of #immersivetechnology!
Thank you Todd Maddox, Ph.D. for sharing my paper. I'm honored that a renowned researcher has highlighted my work on using virtual reality in healthcare education.
congratulations Mohammed K. 👌
Behavioral and Brain Scientist; VP, Clinical Research, AppliedVR; Author/Speaker
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