I've said it before and I'm gonna keep saying it. Support independent journalism. Subscribe. Donate. Online. In print. Whatever. Subscribe or donate. Help save democracy. I'll leave with a quote by the famous #RobertReich, an American professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator: "...reliable and independent sources of news are threatened by a growing alliance of oligarchs and authoritarians... #AI may make it even easier for oligarchs and demagogues to manipulate the public." Here are just a few sources Robert Reich says can be trusted: *The Guardian *Democracy Now *Business Insider *The New Yorker *The American Prospect *Americans for Tax Fairness *The Economic Policy Institute *The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities *ProPublica *Labor Notes *The Lever *Popular Information *Heather Cox Richardson *Substack Pick 1. Or 2. Or 5. Donate $10 (or more) to each. Help save independent journalism and the truth. #supportindependentjournalism
Founder/Executive Creative Director @ Pinwheel Agency, Founder @ Assembly
3hAgree. And now is a great time to support local journalism, too.