You would think LinkedIn is paying me with the way I’m selling it to my friends Most of my 9-5 friends don’t use LinkedIn the way I do In fact, most of them steer clear of this app because of how cringe it can be (their words not mine) So it got me thinking… Yes LinkedIn can feel a bit pretentious Yes LinkedIn can be cringe Yes LinkedIn is hard work However LinkedIn has constantly generated new leads just from documenting my freelance journey and connecting with likeminded entrepreneurs. I had a look at my analytics And I found that my top demographics of job titles were founders and content creators In other words LinkedIn was putting me directly in front of the people that need me. For some, LinkedIn can be a lot It can definitely feel like information overload, not to mention the constant feeling of comparison. But despite this, LinkedIn has provided me with an online and offline community of people that are ambitious, driven and highly favoured. 📌 So if you’re a Founder, Co-founder, Creative Strategist, Content Creator, CEO let’s connect to discuss your Creative Strategy plans for Q1 2025. 📧 [email protected]
I think that, especially as a student/young person who's yet to form professional, durable connections, LinkedIn is invaluable in the platform it can provide from advertising and showcasing what you're about. In the past, I found it quite overwhelming, particularly when my mental health took a hard hit, but using LinkedIn effectively also requires a sense of self-moderation and measure - it's so lovely to see such a relatable post! KK Lance ✨
Keep it up! KK 🙌
Data Director @ Digitas UK | Co-Lead of EMBRACE EAG at Publicis (D&I Ambassador) | Professional Musician & Recording Artist | Radio Host | Podcaster
22mTotally agree - LinkedIn is super important for any professional!