Managing terraform state... If this rings a bell, then enough said! A quick read from Amin Fadaee when faced with migrating state using Terraform Cloud. Need help with your infrastructure migration with best practices in mind? Feel free to reach out, at Data Build Company, we're always happy to discuss! #terraform #infra #DBC #cloud #migration
Picture this: You’ve been tasked with setting up the infra for a startup. You’ve meticulously crafted your infrastructure in Terraform and Terraform Cloud in your personal account, finely tuned to match the requirements. But now, a new chapter unfolds as you need to migrate it to the client’s organization. The challenge? Preserving every resource, every configuration, and every crafted detail while ensuring a flawless transition. Fear not, this article will help you maintain the integrity of your infrastructure while you seamlessly integrate it into its new home. #terraform #DBC #BuildersBlog #infra