The risk of having a centralized "AI team" in your org chart, with 1% of your headcount, is that the remaining 99% of your org might think the AI team takes care of the AI stuff, so they don’t need to worry about it. This mindset is a mistake. Nobody will come to do it for you. At best, the central team *enables* your transformation, but investing X% of your *own* time and your department's resources is required for taking your game to the next level. What is your X% in 2025?
I'd say, if people feel like teaming up, GO for it! I think it's much better than waiting for the whole organization to adopt AI. And actually, one task for the team can be to advance the adoption of AI in the organization.
This applies to every competence area, although centers of excellence can serve a purpose.
For insights on leveraging AI across teams and workflows, check out: "Why Better Data Will Make You More Money"
Centralized, federated or decentralized have all their merits in such transformations. What works in one organization, is doomed in another. The main challenge, as I see it, is to find the way how to prioritize the company resources and investment for that 1 percent to bring biggest strategic impact on AI transformation. All in all, one percent is not a strategic investment, by any measure.
This is such a critical point. Treating AI as "someone else’s job" within an organization undermines its transformative potential. Every department must own its part in integrating AI to truly unlock value. The central team can guide, but the real impact comes when the entire org embraces the mindset.
”Kukaan ei tee sitä puolestasi” Juuri näin! Koulutukset pyörimään ja paljon hands-on kokeiluja mukaan. Ottaisin AI-tiimiin mukaan lähtökohtaisesti muutoksesta innostuneita ihmisiä joka osastolta, jolloin keskustelu kollegojen välillä parhaista use caseista ja mahdollisista huolista on luontevaa. Ehkä kuitenkin yksi tärkeimmistä on johdon esimerkillä johtaminen tässä asiassa.
Hear hear!
Replace "AI" with "SW" and you immediately realize how silly this mindset is.
This is to the point!
Suomen johtava AI-strategisti - Tekoälyllä kilpailuetua
1dTommi Vilkamo hyvä postaus ja antaa ajattelemisen aihetta. Toisaalta 90% ei käytä vielä tekoälylä (linkki) Kokemukseni mukaan ketterä AI-tiimi tai jopa yksittäinen AI-koordinaattori voi saada nopeasti ison mindsetin muutoksen aikaan. Kuitenkin olen samaa mieltä, että AI:n täyttä potentiaalia saadaan irti vain jos kaikki sitä hyödyntävät.