In November I had the great pleasure of conducting a research stay at the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center! During the visit I was able to take part in: 1) No 9 MiCAR Expert Roundtable Series organized by Mariana de la Roche Wills & Dr. Nina-Luisa Siedler; 2) Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC) Forum; 3) MiCAR Meets Asset Management Roundtable organized by Benjamin Schaub and I also met many amazing scholars (i.a. Thomas Weck) and practitioners (i.a. Alireza Siadat). In short, if you are interested in DLT research, the FSBC is a perfect place for it! I am sincerely grateful to FSBC (and especially Alexander Laub) for hosting and welcoming me so kindly! Hopefully the research outcome of the stay will be published soon!
Thank you, PhD Tomasz Tomczak LL.M., LL.M. It was a pleasure having you!
It was great meeting you, Tomasz!
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4dCongrats PhD Tomasz Tomczak LL.M., LL.M.