Algorithmic Profiling and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice - Learn more about our new Max Planck Fellow Group
Max Planck Research Fellow Sabine Gless heads a research group that addresses legal issues arising from the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the areas of crime detection, prosecution, and sentencing of criminal offenses. The research group “Algorithmic Profiling and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice” aims to examine whether traditional criminal law doctrine and existing criminal law practice provide convincing answers to the questions raised by the use of AI systems. Where this is not the case, innovative solutions will be developed. The various projects within the group make use of legal methodology, comparative legal analysis, and computer science.
👉 The research group is part of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg/Germany. Sabine Gless is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Proceedings at the Universität Basel/Switzerland.
Learn more about the research group "Algorithmic Profiling and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice": 👉
📘 In her recently published book - Human-Robot Interaction in Law and Its Narratives: Legal Blame, Responsibility, and Criminal Law - Sabine Gless together with her colleague Helena Whalen-Bridge from the National University of Singapore address how legal systems are unprepared for the challenges posed by robots. The authors analyze issues in substantive law, procedural law, and legal narratives. In particular, they explore topics such as criminal liability in human-robot interactions, the possibility of robots serving as witnesses in court, and evidentiary concerns related to robot-generated data. The book also examines privacy, reliability, and the need for new legal frameworks to better understand and regulate human-robot interactions.
Find the Open Access publication by Sabine Gless and Helena Whalen-Bridge here 👇
Sabine Gless, Helena Whalen-Bridge, Universität Basel, Lea Bachmann, Colin Carter, Linus Ensel, Elina Nerantzi #AI #decisionmaking #crimininaljustuce #law #legalresearch #algorithmicProfiling #robots
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