C L O S U R E: When everything comes together in a well-planned, cohesive package, giving a design its sense of completion.
Resolving the closure of a piece brings the concept full circle, maximizing the value of both materials and production. It’s the final touch that truly 'finishes' a project, making it feel complete and intentional... CLOSED.
Sabine Lenz, I totally agree about the use of this material. I love how this closure carries the narrative along.
Opening something E X T R A O R D I N A R Y, discovering extraordinary content, and remembering it as an extraordinary experience.
Here's a fabulous example of how you can really maximize your print run by using the full press sheet in a clever way.
No waste here!
This brochure by Neenah Fine Paper & Packaging executed this wonderfully. 👏
#print #printdesigner #printdesign
Retired - Formerly Mailing Services Manager at Paragon Customer Communications. Now enjoying travel, walking the dog, photography, painting and singing with Bristol Male Voice Choir.
4wA few familiar faces. Congratulations to all award winners!