Help #StopTheShock
Tell Your Rep: Remove the Rider, #StopTheShock!
We need to take URGENT action to #StopTheShock! As we wait for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make a decision on its proposed rule to ban electric skin shock devices, some members of Congress are trying to take away the FDA's power to make that rule. They are sneaking language into a funding bill that would stop the FDA from banning devices that a court says are okay to use. A court has already approved every use of the electric shock devices used by the Judge Rotenberg Center. That means that this bill text would stop the FDA from banning these devices.
If your House Representative is on the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies subcommittee, please use the form below to tell your Representative to take IMMEDIATE ACTION and vote to remove Section 722 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act!
The Lord of RTB. God of Programmatic Prophecy.
4wTake my money!