Stand with Israel - only position compatible with humanism and democracy.
The past six months, during which Israel negotiated a framework for the release of Israeli hostages being held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip – were riddled with hopeful moments that shattered one after the other. While Hamas impeded the talks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly torpedoed their progress – particularly when it came to decisive moments. Netanyahu believes that an agreement on a hostage deal will most likely lead to his government's collapse – which he seeks to avoid at all costs. Defense officials who spoke with Haaretz said that in his attempt to derail negotiations, Netanyahu relied on classified intelligence and manipulated the sensitive information. This is how Netanyahu systematically foiled the negotiations to free the hostages.
May they all return speedly to their home safe and sound among all the 101 captives! May EsteryavAvisror
My Ha'Shem have compassion for them, bring them from distress to relief, from darkness to light, from subjugation to redemption, at this moment, speedily and very soon. Let us say amein.
Unfortunately, the world is more interested in being friends with people like the government of Iraq, who are lowering the age of consent for females to 9 i.e. condoning paedophilia. Why would they care about Israeli women if no-one is protesting about this disgusting policy.
The choice is between barbarism or civilization. Choose Israel for civilization.
Let my people go 🎗️ 413 days of hell 😢
I am sure that Israel is doing whatever possible to bring them home.
Graphic & Motion Design, Video Editing & Compositing
1wIf you have any sense of moral clarity, you'll stand with Israel