As we approach the end of the year here is a roundup of SHIFT in numbers. ⭐️ SHIFT Open Finance Community SHIFT now has grown to over 340 members representing over 218 Fintechs. Over 8,000 messages were sent in our community slack channel this year We hosted over 16 virtual and in-person events connecting over 1,000 people from Fintechs, Financial Institutions and VCs. Launched our SHIFT Youtube Channel with educational videos, event snippets and exclusive interviews 🚀 SHIFT+ SHIFT+ has been supporting 14 fintechs to effectively position themselves and engage with Financial Institutions. SHIFT+ was recognised as the Most Innovative Financial & Digital Management Consultancy Firm 2024 – UK. “Working with Shift has been such a great pleasure- they have supercharged our partner network and also helped position a strategic vendor to prospective clients. The team is super dedicated and great fun- we really make the most of our membership!“ - Daniel Rose, Doshi 🏆 Fintech Champions The Fintech Champions Community now brings together 21 individuals from Financial Institutions who are passionate about fintech integration and innovation. 🔥 Ignite Ignite our incubator programme supports founders to start their new fintech ventures. We launched our first IGNITE programme with over 70 applicants and selected Money Squirrel, who has now launched their Beta product. Congrats to Andreea Daly! Thank you to everyone that supported us this year and we are looking forward to an even bigger 2025
It's been a busy year but very exciting year!
A fantastic way to end the year on a high - and I can't wait to see what 2025 brings
Incredible growth on last year's numbers while maintaining exceptional service to members too. A great way to wrap up 2024
Check out the full overview in the latest newsletter by Woodhurst