GSA MAS Contractors...if you haven't heard... GSA Mass Mod Refresh 20 (posted April 15, 2024): ▶ The new Price Proposal Template will be shared online at with Refresh 20. ▶ Minor changes were made to the SCP-FF-001 Instructions and clause I-FSS-600 Contract Price Lists from the version in the advanced notice. Read more on the significant changes in Refresh 20 at: List of updated clauses in Refresh 20 can be found at: GSA Mass Mod Refresh 21 (due in May 2024): ▶ Implements minor revision to SCP-FSS-001 Instructions ▶ Adds a note to GSAM/R Clause 552.238-83, Examination of Records by GSA (Federal Supply Schedules) ▶ Adds four (4) new optional TDR Data Elements (order date, ship date, destination ZIP code, federal customer; see attachments below) ▶ Incorporates updated provisions and clauses through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2024-05 and GSAR Change 179 ▶ Makes scoping changes under General Information Section related to firearms, live ammo, explosives, and artillery weapons. ▶ Updates SINs under Office Management (A), Information Technology (F), Professional Services (H), and Travel (L). Read more about the changes at the GSA Interact Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program community at: GSA held a public webinar on May 14, 2024 from 1-2pm ET to review upcoming changes under Refresh 21 (listen-only format with questions by chat). The FAQs and other info can be found on GSA Interact under the MAS Community. #gsaschedules #schedules #massmod #refresh
Chief Strategy and Operations Officer
7moThank you for sharing!