Check out my Data Story Book summary of Collibra's DATA CITIZENS 24 Show in NYC. I am always looking for the Data Stories and I found plenty! Collibra CEO & Founder Felix Van de Maele opened the day with his vision to help customers "create the unified view of their data" We all have to be on the same page!👍 McDonald's John Tucker presented his unified view in the shape of a Quarter Pounder with cheese!* 🍔 We’ll take some AI fries with that! 🍟 * No, I did not ask what they call that system in France! 😂 DATAcated’s Kate Strachnyi🤩 showed up for a group shot with John! Thomas Brence still buzzing from the amazing New York Mets victory, deftly moderated his panel through endless baseball metaphors! ⚾ David Janson led off with healthcare giant Cigna Evernorth’s "self-healing data." Then Linh Nguyen threw an imagery curveball with an ’80s pop-inspired mnemonic for financial services firm Edward Jones, where data is "T’Pau: trusted, protected, accessible, understood." Chris Tabb, COO of LEIT DATA and Mayor of #MeanDataStreets arrived in his #DATAPUPPETS T-shirt! 🐝 Michael Rahm makes the case for AI governance: “Without constant access to trustworthy data, AI projects don’t get off the ground.” There's sure a lot of traffic on that runway! ✈️ Seth Clark vows to “capture as much metadata as possible” And I believe him! He never meta data he didn’t like!😆 OMG!! Ran into Ping F. and the DQ team from NBCUniversal, including Rahel Mehreteab and Runqian (Sarah) Huang. Ping was carrying my book TELLING YOUR DATA STORY and asked “Would you sign it?” WOULD I?!?! 😎 Then CMO Denise Vu Broady wrapped up a great day of Data Stories! Thanks, Collibra! 🙏 #datastorytelling #datacatalog #datamanagement #datagovernance #aigovernace
Your data storytelling skills are outstanding. I feel I have attended this event vicariously. It was great to see you that morning in the Pier 59 Studios at Cloudera Evolve.
Like I was there - thanks for the story Scott
I absolutely love this format and the tie-back to your superpower. Brilliant!
Looks like a great time had by all!
Such a great recap!!
Thanks, SCOTT TAYLOR! It was great having you, Kate Strachnyi, and Chris Tabb join us for Data Citizens. I’m glad my jokes didn’t strikeout!
Very informative
Thanks for summary !! SCOTT TAYLOR
Outstanding work!!!
Co-Founder & CCO at LEIT DATA (EMEA Snowflake SI Partner of the Year 2022)Data Strategist | C-Level Advisory | Data Evangelist | #Meandatastreets Author| Data Technical Author on Apress and O'Reilly | Hardcore Data Nerd!
2moGreat to hang out with you SCOTT TAYLOR and Kate Strachnyi I was happy to take some time out of my buzzy schedule on the #meandatastreets and chat about buzzness value 🐝 😂