Today I spoke to a group of leaders, sharing insights from Love is the Killer App and my experiences. I shared a key idea with them: Compassion is an attitude that presents a design challenge. The best explanation of compassion I've read came from the book The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama. It moved me to think about how it applies to leaders in their day to day work. The point here is that while all people will experience suffering of some type, unnecessary suffering in our work life is often a design fail on the part of the leader and/or the organization. When we see someone suffering from a lack of guidance, understanding, context, lack of recognition, burnout and the like, we must STOP and find its root cause and more importantly, work to resolve it as a top priority. In many situations, it's a matter of redesigning some part of the employee experience. Steve Jobs once remarked that design is "the constant act of problem solving." This is where first principles, collaboration and an open mind come in handy. This isn't just good for business, it's our obligation as a leader of human beings. #leadership #LOVE #EQ #ServantLeadership
One of my favorite books (fun fact: I got to MEET the Dalai Lama years ago!). It is SO full of the best wisdom. Makes a great gift too!
There is no happiness without art. Great post!
Chief Operating Officer | Food & Snack Division | P&L Management
2wHey Tim Sanders, thanks for joining us at Arca Continental Leaders Forum in Monterrey, México. Great insights about what it takes to be transcendent people (leaders) committed to our team.