AI Thoughts:
Recently, I was discussing with a VC friend who is exploring an investment into a military application AI firm. My view is that it’s almost impossible for humans to not cede control to AI / computers in warfare. As drone swarms, electronic bursts and other innovations have increased the “high frequency” type attacks, it’s going to become increasingly difficult for human to “approve” targeting and action. Already most target classification, ordinance selection and targeting is done by machines with the human doing the most boring job of “approving” and pressing the button. In summary, “high frequency warfare HRaw” or “high frequency battles HRB” that are computer controlled are already in play (did I just coin that term! 😀).
To draw an analogy, we can see how trading has evolved. At one time, software provided due assistance in identifying “mispricing”, or momentum driven trades and humans would approve. With the increased frequency of trades/ HFT, relatively quickly we ceded control to machines. Same has happened across various other applications- ceding knowledge to search firms, ceding self injection of insulin to automatic CGM connected insulin pumps, ceding driving control to autonomous cars. This ceding complete control to machines on the battlefield has already happened or will happen very soon. The capabilities are already in place. A giveaway is drone swarms that are in play today on the battlefield, that cannot be realistically human controlled!
What we need to prepare for is the scenarios where just like market crashes have happened because of software “overselling” or “overbuying”, pacemakers firing wrong, insulin pumps misdosing, some of which have resulted in established companies like Knight Capital failing, this same situation doesn’t happen on the battlefield where escalating responses are automatic, or has controls in place where complete overruns are prevented. This is going to take global regulation on where to have humans intervene before there is an unchecked escalation.
A sobering lesson is from the man who inadvertently saved the world.
Ps : Please add thoughts / share innovations in this space, so we can collectively build on insights.
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