In the past few years, there have been over 50 citizens’ juries and assemblies on climate change in the UK, and yet… The majority of people I speak to have no idea what a citizens’ jury or assembly is, how deliberative democracy is any different from a consultation, or how deeper democracy could meaningfully impact their lives. While a movement of ‘popular assemblies’ has sought to prefigure a deliberative culture from the bottom-up, it currently runs the risk of attracting only the ‘usual suspects’, those with time, money, and confidence in expressing their own views. So how do we demonstrate that another way is possible? We know that citizens’ juries and assemblies work, from getting diverse people and views around the table, to producing sensible (and often radical) recommendations on issues that those seeking re-election would shy away from. If we’re going to rebuild trust in politics and make progress against the greatest challenges of our era, it’s time we see them embedded at the top. Great piece by Iswe Foundation’s Rich Wilson #citizensassembly #sortition #deliberativedemocracy #climatechange
My first piece in The Guardian for a while. Love to know what people think