MIDJOURNEY → RELEASES MOODBOARDS Probably my favorite feature this year. WHAT IS IT: + Create multiple personalization codes + By utilizing “Moodboards” + To create a “style” + (They can be super broad or specific) PROCESS: 01. Go to "Personalize" Tab 02. Select "Create Moodboard" 03. Add MJ Images or upload your own 04. MJ will provide a "profile code" 05. Generate MIDJOURNEY PROMPT STRUCTURE: high precision photo of [subject] --ar 5:3 —profile [code] --s 300 MIDJOURNEY PROMPTS: high precision photo of {Nike AirForce 1s, Octopus, Spiritual Healer, 1980s Firebird TransAm, Samurai, Orchid} --ar 5:3 —profile [code] --s 300 Profile Codes Used: + Crystal Teal: --profile kwcr4qn + Burnt Orange: --profile dbcchkd + Harsh B&W: --profile m4xwcck + Neon Acid: --profile o563r8u QUICK THOUGHTS: + Consider these a mini-LORA + You can create your own “style code” + Create styles that are broad/versatile + And incorporate multiple styles/looks + Or you can create something specific + (like the images below) + This will make prompting way simpler + More focus on style curation than tokens + Makes mimicking your brand style easier + This is more about underlying functionality + Than just “curating” styles + This feature will probably be used for + Characters + Objects moving forward Really big fan of this update. Will be testing this way more. PS: Give these profile codes a test if you want to try them out #midjourney #runwayml #minimax #ai #innovation #chatgpt
Still testing... I'm still on the fence, but you got some amazing results. What would you recommend regarding the number of images for a mood board? I've heard people say between 5 and 50. What do you find works best?
They’re too perfect. Moodboards need more variation, so the images create something greater than the sum of their parts. This feels like the same image remixed multiple times.
My brain can’t keep up with my eyes. 👀
Simpler and more accessible way of using sref and all consistency parameters... So far my exploration led me to a better control and consistency 'the old way' but this is definitely the beginning of something!
I’m excited. Words fail me , another dimension. Wow
creativity +100000
Soo cool. Thanks for showing features in action. Very helpful. Love your work!!!
Woah. Love this. Hard to keep up with the the advances, thanks for helping!!
AI Prompt Enhancement Specialist | Ex-Snap, GenAI/AR Ops.
1dthis has got to be one of the most actually useful and practical updates MJ has shipped to date... it literally makes life better