We all know that Maxim’s party will not get an elected member in the next election. He will only help the Bloc to gain more seats.
Unfortunately Max has always been about Max and only Max. He is a footnote in Canadian politics and needs to find something else to do.
Agreed,I like Maxime but he is splitting the vote a giving more seats to the Block
I used to like Max- and suddenly there is a smear campaign flooding my X feed. If someone can lie and be disingenuous, why - oh why would we trust them to lead Canadians to something better, more honest or more hopeful? Bernier has a great platform and if he wasn’t ego driven he would opt to transfer his support to the conservatives. Be a helper not a hinder, but my X feed says Max, like jagmeet and Justin isn’t interested in Canadians he is interested in himself. Just another narcissist looking out for himself.
This whole idea of vote splitting is a black hole ... when YOU vote, do you vote for the local representative or for the party? don't answer via knee-jerk, think about it ... would you vote for a poor representative of your preferred party? stay home? vote for the party candidate whose party you despise if the candidate was good? How many parties give FREE REIGN on all votes? NONE ... except PPC. Yes, the candidates are there because of mind-meld of the platform and eventually there will be a skirmish or two. How much time does your MP actually do ANYTHING in their riding besides ribbon cutting and brown-nosing? Mine does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that I want done ... wasting time and money everywhere he goes. DO I tell him that? you bet ... I'm sure my mailed letters and emails go directly to the trash bin as I've never heard back, even ONCE.
Maybe look into HOW he lost the leadership of the Conservatives and the problem of the numbers of votes vs voters and the IMMEDIATE shredding of all the paperwork. I would say that he had a serious act to grind as he and his ideas were immediately blackballed within the party. Find anything the PPC platform that you don't like. Ya, speaking fluent English would be MUCH better but he has had the balls to stand for what he believes in. He (PPC) needs to get on the board , maybe concentrating on a few seats across the land. Perhaps this next election will be the right time. The CPC can lose a seat or two ... and there does need to be someone to keep PP to his barely-right word ... and realistically, they will vote together 95% of the time.
The PPC cost the CPC 21 ridings in 2021.
When there is no evidence or common sense to support an argument, create a meme.
Bernier needs to be more mature and seriously act his age. His rants are too frequent and off-topic.
Wes Raymond Photography
1wPPC voters are just helping the Block and Liberals. A waisted opportunity. PPC is not even included in the polling numbers for the most part.