🔸Here's Todays Leetcode Problem of the day : [ 🔥DAY 193 ] 🔸Name : Find if Path Exists in Graph 🔸Description : There is a bi-directional graph with n vertices, where each vertex is labeled from 0 to n - 1 (inclusive). The edges in the graph are represented as a 2D integer array edges, where each edges[i] = [ui, vi] denotes a bi-directional edge between vertex ui and vertex vi. Every vertex pair is connected by at most one edge, and no vertex has an edge to itself. You want to determine if there is a valid path that exists from vertex source to vertex destination. Given edges and the integers n, source, and destination, return true if there is a valid path from source to destination, or false otherwise. Example 1: YInput: n = 3, edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]], source = 0, destination = 2 Output: true Explanation: There are two paths from vertex 0 to vertex 2: - 0 → 1 → 2 - 0 → 2 Example 2: oInput: n = 6, edges = [[0,1],[0,2],[3,5],[5,4],[4,3]], source = 0, destination = 5 Output: false Explanation: There is no path from vertex 0 to vertex 5. Constraints: 1 <= n <= 2 * 105 0 <= edges.length <= 2 * 105 edges[i].length == 2 0 <= ui, vi <= n - 1 ui != vi 0 <= source, destination <= n - 1 There are no duplicate edges. There are no self edges. 🔸Link: https://lnkd.in/dd3Wj4YZ
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📌 LeetCode Problem of the Day : [🔥 DAY 260] 📍 Name: Find Center of Star Graph 📝 Description: There is an undirected star graph consisting of n nodes labeled from 1 to n. A star graph is a graph where there is one center node and exactly n - 1 edges that connect the center node with every other node. You are given a 2D integer array edges where each edges[i] = [ui, vi] indicates that there is an edge between the nodes ui and vi. Return the center of the given star graph. Example 1: GInput: edges = [[1,2],[2,3],[4,2]] Output: 2 Explanation: As shown in the figure above, node 2 is connected to every other node, so 2 is the center. Example 2: Input: edges = [[1,2],[5,1],[1,3],[1,4]] Output: 1 Constraints: 3 <= n <= 105 edges.length == n - 1 edges[i].length == 2 1 <= ui, vi <= n ui != vi The given edges represent a valid star graph. 🔗 Link: https://lnkd.in/dvhX-CW2
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📌 LeetCode Problem of the Day : [🔥 DAY 266] 📍 Name: Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves 📝 Description: You are given an integer array nums. In one move, you can choose one element of nums and change it to any value. Return the minimum difference between the largest and smallest value of nums after performing at most three moves. Example 1: Input: nums = [5,3,2,4] Output: 0 Explanation: We can make at most 3 moves. In the first move, change 2 to 3. nums becomes [5,3,3,4]. In the second move, change 4 to 3. nums becomes [5,3,3,3]. In the third move, change 5 to 3. nums becomes [3,3,3,3]. After performing 3 moves, the difference between the minimum and maximum is 3 - 3 = 0. Example 2: Input: nums = [1,5,0,10,14] Output: 1 Explanation: We can make at most 3 moves. In the first move, change 5 to 0. nums becomes [1,0,0,10,14]. In the second move, change 10 to 0. nums becomes [1,0,0,0,14]. In the third move, change 14 to 1. nums becomes [1,0,0,0,1]. After performing 3 moves, the difference between the minimum and maximum is 1 - 0 = 1. It can be shown that there is no way to make the difference 0 in 3 moves. Example 3: Input: nums = [3,100,20] Output: 0 Explanation: We can make at most 3 moves. In the first move, change 100 to 7. nums becomes [3,7,20]. In the second move, change 20 to 7. nums becomes [3,7,7]. In the third move, change 3 to 7. nums becomes [7,7,7]. After performing 3 moves, the difference between the minimum and maximum is 7 - 7 = 0. Constraints: 1 <= nums.length <= 105 -109 <= nums[i] <= 109 🔗 Link: https://lnkd.in/dVau7q5z
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🔸Here's Todays Leetcode Problem of the day : [ 🔥DAY 241 ] 🔸Name : Continuous Subarray Sum 🔸Description : Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return true if nums has a good subarray or false otherwise. A good subarray is a subarray where: its length is at least two, and the sum of the elements of the subarray is a multiple of k. Note that: A subarray is a contiguous part of the array. An integer x is a multiple of k if there exists an integer n such that x = n * k. 0 is always a multiple of k. Example 1: Input: nums = [23,2,4,6,7], k = 6 Output: true Explanation: [2, 4] is a continuous subarray of size 2 whose elements sum up to 6. Example 2: Input: nums = [23,2,6,4,7], k = 6 Output: true Explanation: [23, 2, 6, 4, 7] is an continuous subarray of size 5 whose elements sum up to 42. 42 is a multiple of 6 because 42 = 7 * 6 and 7 is an integer. Example 3: Input: nums = [23,2,6,4,7], k = 13 Output: false Constraints: 1 <= nums.length <= 105 0 <= nums[i] <= 109 0 <= sum(nums[i]) <= 231 - 1 1 <= k <= 231 - 1 🔸Link: https://lnkd.in/dCFg29Z4
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#learningiscontinuousprocess #100daysofcode #day68 Find if Path Exists in Graph ----------------------------- There is a bi-directional graph with n vertices, where each vertex is labeled from 0 to n - 1 (inclusive). The edges in the graph are represented as a 2D integer array edges, where each edges[i] = [ui, vi] denotes a bi-directional edge between vertex ui and vertex vi. Every vertex pair is connected by at most one edge, and no vertex has an edge to itself. You want to determine if there is a valid path that exists from vertex source to vertex destination. Given edges and the integers n, source, and destination, return true if there is a valid path from source to destination, or false otherwise. Example 1: Input: n = 3, edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]], source = 0, destination = 2 Output: true Explanation: There are two paths from vertex 0 to vertex 2: - 0 → 1 → 2 - 0 → 2 Example 2: Input: n = 6, edges = [[0,1],[0,2],[3,5],[5,4],[4,3]], source = 0, destination = 5 Output: false Explanation: There is no path from vertex 0 to vertex 5. Solution link :- https://lnkd.in/gHJ2UPyd Question details : Readme file #leetcode #leetcodechallenge #leetcodejava #100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcodingchallenge #100daysofdsa
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🔸Here's Todays Leetcode Problem of the day : [ 🔥DAY 233 ] 🔸Name : Single Number III 🔸Description : Given an integer array nums, in which exactly two elements appear only once and all the other elements appear exactly twice. Find the two elements that appear only once. You can return the answer in any order. You must write an algorithm that runs in linear runtime complexity and uses only constant extra space. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,2,1,3,2,5] Output: [3,5] Explanation: [5, 3] is also a valid answer. Example 2: Input: nums = [-1,0] Output: [-1,0] Example 3: Input: nums = [0,1] Output: [1,0] Constraints: 2 <= nums.length <= 3 * 104 -231 <= nums[i] <= 231 - 1 Each integer in nums will appear twice, only two integers will appear once. 🔸Link: https://lnkd.in/dXkQCUmx
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Day #11 leetcode Given an integer array nums, return all the triplets [nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]] such that i != j, i != k, and j != k, and nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k] == 0. Notice that the solution set must not contain duplicate triplets. Example 1: Input: nums = [-1,0,1,2,-1,-4] Output: [[-1,-1,2],[-1,0,1]] Explanation: nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2] = (-1) + 0 + 1 = 0. nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[4] = 0 + 1 + (-1) = 0. nums[0] + nums[3] + nums[4] = (-1) + 2 + (-1) = 0. The distinct triplets are [-1,0,1] and [-1,-1,2]. Notice that the order of the output and the order of the triplets does not matter.
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Day 77 of #100DaysOfCode challenge: You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array pairs where pairs[i] = [starti, endi]. An arrangement of pairs is valid if for every index i where 1 <= i < pairs.length, we have endi-1 == starti. Return any valid arrangement of pairs. Note: The inputs will be generated such that there exists a valid arrangement of pairs. Example 1: Input: pairs = [[5,1],[4,5],[11,9],[9,4]] Output: [[11,9],[9,4],[4,5],[5,1]] Explanation: This is a valid arrangement since endi-1 always equals starti. end0 = 9 == 9 = start1 end1 = 4 == 4 = start2 end2 = 5 == 5 = start3 Example 2: Input: pairs = [[1,3],[3,2],[2,1]] Output: [[1,3],[3,2],[2,1]] Explanation: This is a valid arrangement since endi-1 always equals starti. end0 = 3 == 3 = start1 end1 = 2 == 2 = start2 The arrangements [[2,1],[1,3],[3,2]] and [[3,2],[2,1],[1,3]] are also valid. Example 3: Input: pairs = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,1]] Output: [[1,2],[2,1],[1,3]] Explanation: This is a valid arrangement since endi-1 always equals starti. end0 = 2 == 2 = start1 end1 = 1 == 1 = start2 Constraints: 1 <= pairs.length <= 105 pairs[i].length == 2 0 <= starti, endi <= 109 starti != endi No two pairs are exactly the same. There exists a valid arrangement of pairs.
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#leetcode 15. 3Sum Given an integer array nums, return all the triplets [nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]] such that i != j, i != k, and j != k, and nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k] == 0. Notice that the solution set must not contain duplicate triplets. Example 1: Input: nums = [-1,0,1,2,-1,-4] Output: [[-1,-1,2],[-1,0,1]] Explanation: nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2] = (-1) + 0 + 1 = 0. nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[4] = 0 + 1 + (-1) = 0. nums[0] + nums[3] + nums[4] = (-1) + 2 + (-1) = 0. The distinct triplets are [-1,0,1] and [-1,-1,2]. Notice that the order of the output and the order of the triplets does not matter.
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Day 33 Of #365dayofcode Today solve a problem on leetcode. Problem Statement:- Search in Rotated Sorted Array || There is an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order (not necessarily with distinct values). Before being passed to your function, nums is rotated at an unknown pivot index k (0 <= k < nums.length) such that the resulting array is [nums[k], nums[k+1], ..., nums[n-1], nums[0], nums[1], ..., nums[k-1]] (0-indexed). For example, [0,1,2,4,4,4,5,6,6,7] might be rotated at pivot index 5 and become [4,5,6,6,7,0,1,2,4,4]. Given the array nums after the rotation and an integer target, return true if target is in nums, or false if it is not in nums. You must decrease the overall operation steps as much as possible. Example 1: Input: nums = [2,5,6,0,0,1,2], target = 0 Output: true Example 2: Input: nums = [2,5,6,0,0,1,2], target = 3 Output: false
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