Today on Joys of Compounding (fka Art of Investing) we explore The Lessons of History by Will & Ariel Durant, a book that over the years has been repeatedly recommended to us by some of the world’s most compelling investors, leaders, thinkers and builders. The first to do so was Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates and for as long as we have taught Art of Investing, it has been one of just two books that is required reading for our students. (The other by the way is The Outsiders written by another Will, our friend Will Thorndike, who we also hope to have join on a future episode so stay tuned for that. So why study history anyway? For one, because embedded in the past are learnings and strategies for how to make sense of and better align with the way that the world has actually worked and is likely to keep working going forward. To quote the late great Charlie Munger, who was also a student of Durant, “there is no better teacher than history in determining the future.” This 100 page book is a masterful distillation of the Durant’s 11-volume, 10,000 plus page magnum opus, The Story of Civilization. It offers its reader an overview of the learnings observed from 5,000+ years of the human experience. To help us synthesize this great work is our good friend and renowned historian Patrick Griffin. Patrick is the former chair of the department of history at the University of Notre Dame where he currently serves as the Thomas Moore and Judy Livingston Director of the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies. ☘️ His work explores the intersection of colonial American and early modern Irish and British history. 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇮🇪 Patrick has published work on the movement of peoples and cultures across the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the process of adaptation. He also examines the ways in which Ireland, Britain, and America were linked—and differed—during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He has looked at revolution and rebellion, movement and migration, and colonization and violence in each society in comparative perspective. In 2021, Patrick was named the Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth Visiting Professor of American History at the University of Oxford, perhaps the highest honor an American historian can receive. With that, I hope you enjoy this class on The Lessons of History with the esteemed Patrick Griffin! Spotify: Apple: Sator Grove Holdings Paul Buser Greg Dugard
Such an honor to be able to do this with Patrick!! He’s as good as it gets as an historian … and as a person and mentor!! Hoping everybody picks up a copy of Lessons of History after listening. And of Patrick’s masterful works on the Age of Atlantic Revolution.
This was totally outstanding, Amazing just brilliant, and I will be listening again and revisiting the book again in this weekend. Thank you for introducing me to Patrick Giffin, without this Podcast, it’s highly unlikely I would have had this one sided conversation with him this year, now it’s time to dive deep in some of his books! “I am fascinated by how common people can move great distances, and how common people are the ones who can make and shape our world. That to me is a fascinating thing. Well, that's the immigrant story, and I find that story to be so enthralling.” AI fixes this Lessons of History book exploration
Looking forward to it!
Link to The Lessons of History: