Social media is a disruptive force that is shaping market sentiment and creating new risks to banks. In January 2024 the European Central Bank called on financial institutions to closely monitor social platforms for early signs of deteriorating market sentiment that could indicate an impending depositor run. Darren Burrell, Division Lead of Corporate Risk at Resolver, contributed to this Kroll blog that helps demystify these potential regulatory changes and outlines the specific steps that banks can take to stay in compliance with the updated guidelines. #digitaltransformation #crisismanagement #socialmediarisks #bankingregulation
At a time when a single post can shake the foundations of the financial world, banks must be more vigilant than ever. Learn how to navigate this new reality in Kroll's recent article, "The Digital Domino Effect: How Social Media Can Trigger Financial Crises:" #DigitalTransformation #CrisisManagement #SocialMediaRisks #BankingRegulation