Some #optimism for a change! manager magazin has launched a new series to counterbalance the loud discussions about Germany lagging behind and being a doomed cause. Yes, change and reform are necessary—I’ve spoken a lot about what needs to happen—but today, let’s focus on why there’s a lot to be optimistic about: “Germany has great AI talent, thanks to its universities and research institutions. Additionally, we have expertise in key industries, from chemistry and manufacturing to banking and energy. So it’s relatively simple: when you combine great talent, deep expertise, and significant investments, you get companies that can change the world. Considering that AI is a transformative technology that will change the way people live and work, all the ingredients are in place in Germany.” More on that in the full interview (German): Founders here in Germany - what are you thoughts? #artificialintelligence #venturecaptial #Germany #regulation #machinelearning
I am also confident that we are making good progress -- not just startups leverage AI but also corporates adopt new technologies. Oftentimes, this happens more silently, but once "the ship is moving", there is speed, too. Besides: Pessimism is not a good motivator anyhow, so it is certainly more beneficial to see the opportunities and strengths there are (in the market, company, personal skills and interests) and aiming at supporting them. We need to stay curious but also set realistic targets that deliver (customer) value. I am convinced there is hope! :-)
Kann man sich auch initiativ bewerben für die MM-Serie?! :-) Ein Grund zum Optimismus für Deutschland: unsere Vielfalt! Wenn wir schaffen, darin nicht die Ursache unserer "Probleme" sondern die Voraussetzung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft zu sehen, dann werden wir diese auch so gestalten.
It's refreshing to see a positive perspective on Germany's potential in AI, highlighting the synergy between academic excellence and industry expertise as a catalyst for transformative innovation.
fast schon anachronistisch optimistisch sozusagen 😁 - aber the only way forward!
Germany is great for AI. We just need to come together—strength in unity!
Waiting for the "Ja aber" from society ;) - good, positive move Rasmus. Keep it up!
Hear, hear! That’s the spirit Rasmus!
Public Policy Manager (DACH) for Meta
3moThanks for sharing this, and I very much agree with the potential that is out there. At the same time, I also agree with your last sentence in the interview, namely the questions whether we can use this chance? Start ups get started in Germany and the EU, but do they also scale up here and grow? According to an Open Letter published today by the European startup associations and European Exchanges this does not seem to be the case. This Friday IW Consult is publishing a study that looks at the potential areas of economic growth in Germany and also highlights some of the actions that need to be done in order to set it free. Happy to share it with you once it is out.