⚡NBZ Pulse⚡ The agency world is crowded—some might say oversaturated. Yet, we never tell those looking to start an agency not to do it. Quite the opposite. The world will always need bold new players, but how you enter this game has never been more critical. This week’s news of the Omnicom-IPG merger only reinforces this truth. While the holding companies scramble to consolidate, independent agencies are in the best position they’ve been in years to thrive. The nimbleness, creativity, flexibility, innovation, and the ability to create change are the real hallmarks of survival in this industry. The evolution agencies need today doesn’t come from mergers—it comes from clarity of purpose and vision. Starting an agency today isn’t about finding a small white space in a crowded field or trying to fit in. It’s about creating your own space. It’s about evolution, not imitation. Darwinism teaches us that survival is reserved for the fittest. The same is true for agencies. But fitness isn’t about being bigger, louder, or cheaper—it’s about being necessary. It’s about having a point of view that satisfies a strong demand. A point of view so clear, so powerful, and so forward-looking that you don’t just survive—you thrive. If the holding companies had embraced this ethos earlier, maybe they wouldn’t need to consolidate just to keep up. But for the independents watching, this is a moment to take stock: your strength lies in your ability to adapt, innovate, and lead. The big players may be merging, but this is your opportunity to break through. To succeed, you need to build something that forces evolution by sheer force of your vision and value. You don’t want to adapt to the existing world—you want to change it. This isn’t the time for agencies that “fit in.” There’s no room (or frankly, a need) left to copy, tweak, or iterate on what’s already out there. It’s a time for those who create the next. For those who have the audacity to dominate, disrupt, and, yes, make others extinct. It’s not about white space—it’s about making room. This moment is yours to seize. Be what’s next.
"...it’s about being necessary." 🎯
Preach. Also, thank you for my daily affirmation. Appreciate your unyielding belief in the power of independents.
Managing Director - Gravity Branding - Award Winning Agency - Excellence in Innovation
1wThis is brlilliant and well said. Thank you!