When we started building PROCESIO, we had one core principle in mind: #POWER. But what does "power" mean for an automation platform? For us, it’s about two things:
1️⃣ Processing Speed
To be powerful, a platform must be #fast. Fast enough to handle real-time tasks and to serve as the pillar for other systems. Today, PROCESIO is the fastest automation platform on the market.
2️⃣ #Flexibility
True power also means giving users the freedom to create. We designed PROCESIO to let you drag, drop, and configure actions out of the box. But we didn’t stop there. We made it possible to code when needed, because no matter how great the platform, there will always be edge cases, moments when you want to go beyond the expected and innovate.
This dual approach ensures that whether you’re a developer or a non-technical user, you can build workflows and systems that work how you need them.
With speed and flexibility, PROCESIO brings the power for the user to imagine and build whatever they #imagine.
What does "power" mean to you in the context of #automation?
Power means two things. First of all means processing speed. Like it needs to be fast in order to be powerful. Speed of processing gives you a lot of opportunities, like for example using the technology as a back end for other systems. Currently processor it's the fastest automation platform on earth, period. The second things that brings power to such technology. Is the flexibility. So what does flexibility means? Flexibility means that it should allow you as a builder, as a user, to actually do whatever you want. Now. We have provided out-of-the-box actions, we call them actions that you can drag and drop. You can configure those actions and you can do all sorts of stuff with this. But this will always be limiting if you don't have the ability to code because there's always an edge case. There's always a situation where you as a developer want to innovate. You as a developer or as a builder want to build stuff a bit different. Very differently than we have initially sought the platform to allow you to build. So that's why I believe that this flexibility score, it should be core to such platforms that we are building to process your because it brings the power for the user to imagine and build whatever he imagines.