⚡Electronic colors-changing technology⚡ Porsche Asia Pacific and Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur have joined forces to create a one-off Taycan Turbo S known as the Celestial Jade. It features a special pigmented paint that changes appearance from different angles as well as in various lighting conditions. While most paint jobs are pretty straight forward, this one took nearly a year of development as well as “very elaborate” preparation and implementation phases. In the end, Porsche blended two Chromaflair paints together and then spent around 80 man-hours applying them by hand. What do you think about this? Share in the comments👇 ________ If you enjoy my content, follow me Peter Berkel for more in the future. #innovation #technology #motivation #marketing #branding #personalbranding #digitalmarketing #creativity #future #futurism
Love it! A car that matches your outfit- now that’s personalisation on another level!!
Really awesome
chameleon car.. 😊
what's amazing is certainly the PR - brilliant
Very deceiving video that does not match with the discription made of a paint. Chromaflair paints aren’t something new and as the discription says it changes appearance it does not change colour and certainly not when someone walks passed. Good marketing though.
Cops are going to hate them...drugs dealers doing to love them. You are in a white car....go around the corner...its a red car. A nice novelty....if I was law inforcement....I would stop every one and ask for their identity....word would soon spread these are a pain in the axxxse...and people would stop buying them...and stick to a fixed colour. Not sure how legally this is going to work out...with officialdom insurance claims...a red car hit me when it should be green...etc. Bit like electric motor scooters....if you have one you could get pulled....if you hired the exact same model from the council or uber scooter...thats ok....because they have your money...but not ok if they don't. Things are a bit screwed up for the now.
You better know where you parked it as you don't know what color it will be when you return. Awesome technology
If you wear a transparent coat....will the car also become transparent🤔 If I remember well there was many years ago a similar paint available that changed between blue and red depending the light. Recently also seen a 'white' car that changed into light pink when looked at from a different angle.
Couldn't do that in Trinidad and Tobago, we have to register every colour change . We cannot wrap a car, or have an adhesive sticker on a vehicle. We are going backwards in to the future.
Country Manager Benelux at Vidoomy
3moAmazing Peter Berkel!!!, love it!!