Oftentimes Hoas are unfortunately not transparent with their financials and by financials I mean their bank statements, their contracts, any sort of agreements they have with vendors as it relates to our work that's being done in the community. All of these things are required to be kept by the association in what's known in the associations official records. The law provides that the association. Let's keep all documents within its official records for the past seven years. As a homeowner, you have the right to complete an inspection of the associations official records. You can ask for all of the documents he association has and more recently the law has changed in favor of the homeowner where the association has certain requirements such as providing a list of all the documents that were produced to the homeowner as well as Wichita. Payments were not produced to the homeowner during the inspection process. So as a homeowner, you absolutely have the right to inspect all association records. And the reason why is because you're a part owner of that association by being a homeowner, and you have a right to know everything that's going on, as well as where the money you pay to the association goes.