Collaborating to build better resilience – this is something that I have been reflecting on since attending the National Preparedness Commission event recently that brought together a good number of experts from various sectors. Considering the systems within a larger system context offers opportunities to achieve better outcomes together. Data sharing during a crisis is an example where appropriate sharing between responsible bodies could make a tremendous impact in the speed of response and removing duplication of efforts. How could such a mechanism be designed in advance of a crisis? Supply chain is another example – Are the relationships in place to have the conversations between “competitors” when the time comes? How can a culture of collaboration be embedded effectively for when multiple threats occur simultaneously? The Exercising Best Practice Guidance is one of the pieces (link in comments), but there is more needed, so much more. Beyond the policy team, resilience is a team game – all stakeholders need to understand their risks and prepare. An important part of this preparation is the collaboration element so that when you need to make the call, you know who to call and they know who you are! Side note: Interestingly, in the Annexes of the Guidance released, systems thinking tools are included! Very well done to the people who worked on this guidance, continue to design scenarios, and tirelessly build communities of practice. Thanks to Accenture for being host for this session. Special mention to the NPC who continue to champion this important agenda. #Resilience #Preparedness #bestpractice #systemsthinking
Orian M. The Government Office for Science, in collaboration others like the Royal Academy of Engineering produced a suite of helpful systems thinking documents to promote and embed systems thinking across the Civil Service. Whilst they were initially designed for public servants, I found them quite accessible, engaging and transferable to differing contexts.
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