Birribee Housing proudly launched its Aboriginal Specialist Homelessness Service for Western Sydney this week at Kimberwalli. Funded by Homes NSW, and co-designed with the Aboriginal community of Western Sydney, the program is offering a drop-in service at our Parramatta and Bidwill sites along with an outreach service. Led by Birribee's Homelessness Lead Monique Wiseman and her carefully selected team operations began following NAIDOC week with many clients already being supported through the program.
Exciting times! Looking forward to work closely with you and your team Monique. #partnerships
So great to see, well done to the amazing team!
Deadly work Birribee and Moni congratulations
⚫️🟡🔴 Aboriginal Principal Advisor Aboriginal Service Design, ServiceNSW Strong advocate for all Aboriginal communities in improving service delivery.
4moWell done great to see this program up and running let me know if you need any support through Service NSW or Revenue NSW and Births Deaths and Marriages I’ll link you all up.