Normally, I post about all facets of corporate innovation, but today I'm happy to announce great news from a completely different area: Matthias Anderski, Tim Ströbel from Universität Bayreuth and I just published a paper on #athletebranding in European Sport Management Quarterly! 🥵 Why does this make me feel proud? Because it was such a looong way to the final ‘accept’ and academic researchers may feel with us: ▶️ 2016(!): First idea concept & research question - “How can athletes (mainly from niche sports) can leverage brand building to finance their careers (e.g. via social media)?” ▶️ 2017: First interviews conducted ▶️ 2017: Conference paper with the working title “Athletes as entrepreneurs” ▶️ 2018-2024: Submissions, revision rounds, rejections, another study and almost endless re-writing ▶️2024: Acceptance & publication 💡 The paper adds to our understanding of how athletes position themselves as brands (often called ‘self-marketing’). We found three different athlete types: #brandmanager, #brandsupporter, and #brandantagonist – and they think and act differently with respect to their brand building efforts. It was great working with you guys on this project! #publicationalert #academicresearch #athletes Citation: Panthen, M., Anderski, M., & Ströbel, T. (2024). ‘I wouldn’t call myself a brand, but many people say my name could serve as a brand.’Exploring a conceptualization and typology of athlete brands. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-22.
Hammer Beitrag zum Sport! Würde ich auch gerne lesen, vielleicht hab ihr den Link nochmal für uns 😊👍🏼
Sehr cool, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wo kann man das Paper denn lesen? 😊
Congratulations, Maximilian! That’s an incredible accomplishment and a testament to your persistence and dedication to the topic. Athlete branding is such a fascinating and evolving field, and it's inspiring to see the journey from idea to publication.
Global HR Professional | Student of AI-based HR | Revolutionizing Human Resources: Digital Transformation with a Human Touch 🚀
1moGood job 👏