Think about your commitments this holiday season. How many of them did you really want to say, "yes" to? When there's a lot going on, it's easy to lose sight of what's important. Before saying, "yes" stop yourself, and think about if it is really how you want to spend your time. This week on the podcast, I'm sharing helpful tips for time management. Join me as I share my experience around saying "no" and how it helps to free up time for the moments that are most important. Remember, micro moments create macro outcomes. Becoming intentional with your micro moments can help you clear a path towards the results you want. 🎧 📺 #timemanagement #productivity #selfcare #sayingno #micromoments #macrooutcomes #intentionality #results #holidayseason #busyseason #prioritization #mentalhealth #leadership #achievinggoals
Founder of Mental Health Simplified - Leveraging Lived Experience - Transformational Coach | Speaker -
1dCongratulations on launching the podcast episode! Valuable insights shared.