Dear Connections Whoever interested in Selenium and Automation Interview questions or if you preparing for an interview,I am going to post 4 or 5 Important questions and Answers as a Series ,Pls learn it whenever you see it -- Starts Episode 1 What is Stale element exception? StaleElementReferenceException is one of the most common Selenium exceptions when the web element you are trying to interact with is no longer associated in the DOM Reason 1: When element you are finding is moved Reason 2 :When element your are finding is deleted Solution1 : Use Explicit WebDriverwait Method 1: Wait until the element is present wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(Web element locator"))) Solution2. Use the try-catch block WebElement element = driver.findElement("web element locator")); try {; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { // Refresh the page driver.navigate().refresh(); // Try to locate the element again element = driver.findElement("web element locator "));; } Solution 3. Use Page Object Model Solution 4: Refresh the web page How do you optimize the code for selenium? · Use concise code · Give proper Naming conversion, · No hard coded values · //Commenting code with details · Avoid code duplicates · Use fast locators - wherever applicable use css · Use parallel testing · Use headless browser testing - improves performance · Prioritize test cases: Focus on critical functionality first, and split large test suites into smaller chunks. · Remove redundant tests: Remove redundant and outdated tests. · Write shorter tests: Keep the number of steps in each test under 20. How to run parallel tests in TestNG? Pre--requisite: Step 1 To create a testing.xml file, right click on the ParallelTest class and select TestNG >> Convert To TestNG. Executing Test Classes in Parallel using TestNG Step 1 To run classes in parallel mode, create two class files as ChromeTest and FirefoxTest with three test methods. Step 2 In the testing.xml file, add class names and update parallel value as classes and run it. Example -<suite name="Suite" parallel="classes"> How to do datadriven testing in testing? · Using dataprovider annotations ,we can achieve data driven testing by the parameterizing the tests · We allowing the same test method to be executed multiple times with different sets of input data. Different types of framework? Linear Scripting Framework is a basic level test automation framework that is in the form of ‘Record and Playback’ in a linear fashion. Modular Testing Framework: In the modular testing framework, testers create test scripts module wise by breaking down the complete application under test into smaller, independent tests. Data-driven Framework: It allows us to create test automation scripts by passing different sets of test data.
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Based Frequently Asked Interview Q&A on TestNG: Scenario: Handling Flaky Tests Question: How would you deal with flaky tests in your Selenium automation suite using TestNG? Answer: To address flaky tests, I would implement retry logic in TestNG. By using the retryAnalyzer feature in TestNG, I can specify a custom retry analyzer class that determines whether a failed test should be retried based on certain conditions, such as specific exceptions or test result statuses. This helps improve the reliability of the test suite by rerunning failed tests automatically. Scenario: Parallel Execution Question: Explain how you would implement parallel execution of tests in TestNG for faster execution in your Selenium automation framework. Answer: TestNG allows running tests in parallel, either at the suite or test level, by organizing them into different suites and configuring parallel attributes like "parallel" and "thread-count". <suite name="MyTestSuite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5"> <!-- Test configurations --> </suite> Scenario: Data-Driven Testing Question: Describe how you would perform data-driven testing using TestNG in your Selenium automation framework. Answer: TestNG supports data-driven testing through its @DataProvider annotation, which allows me to supply test data from external sources such as Excel sheets or databases. I can create a method annotated with @DataProvider to provide test data, and then annotate my test methods with @Test(dataProvider) to execute the tests with different data sets. This enables to execute the same test logic with multiple input values and verify the expected behavior. @DataProvider(name = "loginData") public Object[][] getLogin Data() { return new Object[][] { {"user1", "pwd1"}, {"user2", "pwd2"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "loginData") public void login Test(String username, String password){} Scenario: Grouping and Tagging Tests Question: How would you group and tag tests in TestNG for better organization and selective execution in your Selenium automation framework? Answer: TestNG allows grouping tests using the @Test(groups) annotation, enabling selective execution and better organization of test suites by defining groups in testng.xml. This allows for selective execution of tests and better organization of test suites like smoke, sanity, regression. @Test(groups = {"smoke", "regression"}) public void login Test() { //code } credit Rushikesh Patil
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✅ Based Frequently Asked Interview Q&A on TestNG : ⭕ Scenario: Handling Flaky Tests Question: How would you deal with flaky tests in your Selenium automation suite using TestNG? Answer: To address flaky tests, I would implement retry logic in TestNG. By using the retryAnalyzer feature in TestNG, I can specify a custom retry analyzer class that determines whether a failed test should be retried based on certain conditions, such as specific exceptions or test result statuses. This helps improve the reliability of the test suite by rerunning failed tests automatically. ⭕ Scenario: Parallel Execution Question: Explain how you would implement parallel execution of tests in TestNG for faster execution in your Selenium automation framework. Answer: TestNG allows running tests in parallel, either at the suite or test level, by organizing them into different suites and configuring parallel attributes like "parallel" and "thread-count". <suite name="MyTestSuite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5"> <!-- Test configurations --> </suite> ⭕ Scenario: Data-Driven Testing Question: Describe how you would perform data-driven testing using TestNG in your Selenium automation framework. Answer: TestNG supports data-driven testing through its @DataProvider annotation, which allows me to supply test data from external sources such as Excel sheets or databases. I can create a method annotated with @DataProvider to provide test data, and then annotate my test methods with @Test(dataProvider) to execute the tests with different data sets. This enables to execute the same test logic with multiple input values and verify the expected behavior. @DataProvider(name = "loginData") public Object[][] getLoginData() { return new Object[][] { {"user1", "pwd1"}, {"user2", "pwd2"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "loginData") public void loginTest(String username, String password){} ⭕ Scenario: Grouping and Tagging Tests Question: How would you group and tag tests in TestNG for better organization and selective execution in your Selenium automation framework? Answer: TestNG allows grouping tests using the @Test(groups) annotation, enabling selective execution and better organization of test suites by defining groups in testng.xml. This allows for selective execution of tests and better organization of test suites like smoke, sanity, regression. @Test(groups = {"smoke", "regression"}) public void loginTest() { // code } Do like , comment & repost , if you find it helpful. 📌 Follow Rushikesh Patil for more insightful updates and tips related to testing #tester #qa #testing #testng #questions
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!! Mostly Asked Selenium Interview Questions !! 1. What is Selenium? -Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool designed for web application testing. 2. Explain different Selenium components. -Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid are the main components. 3. What is a Selenium WebDriver? Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to interact with web elements and perform actions on web applications. 4. What is TestNG, and why is it used in Selenium? -TestNG is an automation testing framework that facilitates test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting in Selenium. 5. Explain the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to? Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.navigate().to() allows for forward and backward navigation within the browser history. 6. How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium? Actions class in Selenium is used to simulate mouse actions like click, drag and drop, and context-click. 7. What is the purpose of the Selenium Grid? -Selenium Grid is used for parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers. 8. Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit)? driver.close() closes the current browser window while driver.quit() closes the entire browser session. 9. What is Apache POI? Apache POI is the most popular Java library/API used to interact with Microsoft Excel Sheets. It is used to read data from Excel sheets and write data into Excel sheets. 10. How do you locate elements in Selenium WebDriver? -Elements can be located using methods like ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selectors, and more. 11. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium? -findElement() is used to identify a single element present in a webpage whereas findElements() is used to identify multiple elements present in a window findElement() returns the first matching element, while findElements() returns a list of all matching elements. 12. What is a WebElement in Selenium? -A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page. 13. Explain the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait. - Implicit Wait sets a global timeout for all elements, while Explicit Wait is applied to specific elements with a custom timeout. 14. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? - POM is a design pattern that helps to create an object repository for web elements.POM improves code readability and reusability. It helps to reduce code duplication and improves test case maintenance. 15. How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium? You can use the switch To method to handle pop-up windows, alert boxes, and frames. #Selenium #AutomationTesting #WebDriver #TestNG #SeleniumGrid #ApachePOI #SoftwareTesting #QA #QualityAssurance #PageObjectModel #Automation #TestAutomation #TestingTools #SoftwareDevelopment #WebTesting #TestingInterview #InterviewQuestions #TechInterview #CareerInQA #SeleniumTips
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Scenario Based Frequently Asked Interview Q&A on TestNG 🔺 Scenario: Handling Flaky Tests Question: How would you deal with flaky tests in your Selenium automation suite using TestNG? Answer: To address flaky tests, I would implement retry logic in TestNG. By using the retryAnalyzer feature in TestNG, I can specify a custom retry analyzer class that determines whether a failed test should be retried based on certain conditions, such as specific exceptions or test result statuses. This helps improve the reliability of the test suite by rerunning failed tests automatically. 🔺 Scenario: Parallel Execution Question: Explain how you would implement parallel execution of tests in TestNG for faster execution in your Selenium automation framework. Answer: TestNG allows running tests in parallel, either at the suite or test level, by organizing them into different suites and configuring parallel attributes like "parallel" and "thread-count". <suite name="MyTestSuite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5"> <!-- Test configurations --> </suite> 🔺 Scenario: Data-Driven Testing Question: Describe how you would perform data-driven testing using TestNG in your Selenium automation framework. Answer: TestNG supports data-driven testing through its @DataProvider annotation, which allows me to supply test data from external sources such as Excel sheets or databases. I can create a method annotated with @DataProvider to provide test data, and then annotate my test methods with @Test(dataProvider) to execute the tests with different data sets. This enables to execute the same test logic with multiple input values and verify the expected behavior. @DataProvider(name = "loginData") public Object[][] getLoginData() { return new Object[][] { {"user1", "pwd1"}, {"user2", "pwd2"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "loginData") public void loginTest(String username, String password){} 🔺 Scenario: Grouping and Tagging Tests Question: How would you group and tag tests in TestNG for better organization and selective execution in your Selenium automation framework? Answer: TestNG allows grouping tests using the @Test(groups) annotation, enabling selective execution and better organization of test suites by defining groups in testng.xml. This allows for selective execution of tests and better organization of test suites like smoke, sanity, regression. @Test(groups = {"smoke", "regression"}) public void loginTest() { // code } Note: Responses may differ, but I've provided examples for clarity. It's best to use examples specific to projects rather than general ones. #qa #qainterview #sdet
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Mostly Asked Selenium Interview Questions: 1. What is Selenium? → Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool designed for web application testing. 2. Explain different Selenium components. →Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid are the main components. 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? → Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to interact with web elements and perform actions on web applications. 4. How do you locate elements in Selenium WebDriver? → Elements can be located using methods like ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selectors, and more. 5. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium? →findElement() is used to identify a single element present in a webpage whereas findElements() is used to identify multiple elements present in a window. findElement() returns the first matching element, while findElements() returns a list of all matching elements. 6. What is a WebElement in Selenium? → A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page. 7. Explain the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait. →Implicit Wait sets a global timeout for all elements, while Explicit Wait is applied to specific elements with a custom timeout. 8. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? →POM is a design pattern that helps to create an object repository for web elements.POM improves code readability and reusability. It helps to reduce code duplication and improves test case maintenance. 9. How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium? → You can use the switch To method to handle pop-up windows, alert boxes, and frames. 10. What is TestNG, and why is it used in Selenium? →TestNG is an automation testing framework that facilitates test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting in Selenium. 11. Explain the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to()? →Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.navigate().to() allows for forward and backward navigation within the browser history. 12. How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium? → Actions class in Selenium is used to simulate mouse actions like click, drag and drop, and context-click. 13. What is the purpose of the Selenium Grid? →Selenium Grid is used for parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers. 14. Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit)? →driver.close() closes the current browser window while driver.quit() closes the entire browser session. 15. What is Apache POI? →Apache POI is the most popular Java library/API used to interact with Microsoft Excel Sheets. It is used to read data from Excel sheets and write data into Excel sheets.
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some common Selenium interview questions in simple terms
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Mostly Asked Selenium Interview Questions: 1. What is Selenium? → Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool designed for web application testing. 2. Explain different Selenium components. →Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid are the main components. 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? → Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to interact with web elements and perform actions on web applications. 4. How do you locate elements in Selenium WebDriver? → Elements can be located using methods like ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selectors, and more. 5. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium? →findElement() is used to identify a single element present in a webpage whereas findElements() is used to identify multiple elements present in a window. findElement() returns the first matching element, while findElements() returns a list of all matching elements. 6. What is a WebElement in Selenium? → A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page. 7. Explain the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait. →Implicit Wait sets a global timeout for all elements, while Explicit Wait is applied to specific elements with a custom timeout. 8. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? →POM is a design pattern that helps to create an object repository for web elements.POM improves code readability and reusability. It helps to reduce code duplication and improves test case maintenance. 9. How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium? → You can use the switch To method to handle pop-up windows, alert boxes, and frames. 10. What is TestNG, and why is it used in Selenium? →TestNG is an automation testing framework that facilitates test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting in Selenium. 11. Explain the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to()? →Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.navigate().to() allows for forward and backward navigation within the browser history. 12. How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium? → Actions class in Selenium is used to simulate mouse actions like click, drag and drop, and context-click. 13. What is the purpose of the Selenium Grid? →Selenium Grid is used for parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers. 14. Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit)? →driver.close() closes the current browser window while driver.quit() closes the entire browser session. 15. What is Apache POI? →Apache POI is the most popular Java library/API used to interact with Microsoft Excel Sheets. It is used to read data from Excel sheets and write data into Excel sheets. #qa #qainterview #sdet
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Mostly Asked Selenium Interview Questions: 1. What is Selenium? → Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool designed for web application testing. 2. Explain different Selenium components. →Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid are the main components. 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? → Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to interact with web elements and perform actions on web applications. 4. How do you locate elements in Selenium WebDriver? → Elements can be located using methods like ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selectors, and more. 5. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium? →findElement() is used to identify a single element present in a webpage whereas findElements() is used to identify multiple elements present in a window. findElement() returns the first matching element, while findElements() returns a list of all matching elements. 6. What is a WebElement in Selenium? → A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page. 7. Explain the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait. →Implicit Wait sets a global timeout for all elements, while Explicit Wait is applied to specific elements with a custom timeout. 8. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? →POM is a design pattern that helps to create an object repository for web elements.POM improves code readability and reusability. It helps to reduce code duplication and improves test case maintenance. 9. How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium? → You can use the switch To method to handle pop-up windows, alert boxes, and frames. 10. What is TestNG, and why is it used in Selenium? →TestNG is an automation testing framework that facilitates test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting in Selenium. 11. Explain the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to()? →Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.navigate().to() allows for forward and backward navigation within the browser history. 12. How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium? → Actions class in Selenium is used to simulate mouse actions like click, drag and drop, and context-click. 13. What is the purpose of the Selenium Grid? →Selenium Grid is used for parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers. 14. Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit)? →driver.close() closes the current browser window while driver.quit() closes the entire browser session. 15. What is Apache POI? →Apache POI is the most popular Java library/API used to interact with Microsoft Excel Sheets. It is used to read data from Excel sheets and write data into Excel sheets.
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!! Mostly Asked Selenium Interview Questions!! 1. What is Selenium? -Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool designed for web application testing. 2. Explain different Selenium components. -Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid are the main components. 3. What is a Selenium WebDriver? Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to interact with web elements and perform actions on web applications. 4. What is TestNG, and why is it used in Selenium? -TestNG is an automation testing framework that facilitates test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting in Selenium. 5. Explain the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to? Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.navigate().to() allows for forward and backward navigation within the browser history. 6. How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium? Actions class in Selenium is used to simulate mouse actions like click, drag and drop, and context-click. 7. What is the purpose of the Selenium Grid? -Selenium Grid is used for parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers. 8. Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit)? driver.close() closes the current browser window while driver.quit() closes the entire browser session. 9. What is Apache POI? Apache POI is the most popular Java library/API used to interact with Microsoft Excel Sheets. It is used to read data from Excel sheets and write data into Excel sheets. 10. How do you locate elements in Selenium WebDriver? -Elements can be located using methods like ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selectors, and more. 11. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium? -findElement() is used to identify a single element present in a webpage whereas findElements() is used to identify multiple elements present in a window findElement() returns the first matching element, while findElements() returns a list of all matching elements. 12. What is a WebElement in Selenium? -A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page. 13. Explain the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait. - Implicit Wait sets a global timeout for all elements, while Explicit Wait is applied to specific elements with a custom timeout. 14. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? - POM is a design pattern that helps to create an object repository for web elements.POM improves code readability and reusability. It helps to reduce code duplication and improves test case maintenance. 15. How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium? You can use the switch To method to handle pop-up windows, alert boxes, and frames. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Java Selenium New Batch is Starting Soon Register here to Attend Free Demo:- Join my Telegram Channel:-
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Mostly Asked Selenium Interview Questions: 1. What is Selenium? → Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool designed for web application testing. 2. Explain different Selenium components. →Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid are the main components. 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? → Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to interact with web elements and perform actions on web applications. 4. How do you locate elements in Selenium WebDriver? → Elements can be located using methods like ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selectors, and more. 5. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium? →findElement() is used to identify a single element present in a webpage whereas findElements() is used to identify multiple elements present in a window. findElement() returns the first matching element, while findElements() returns a list of all matching elements. 6. What is a WebElement in Selenium? → A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page. 7. Explain the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait. →Implicit Wait sets a global timeout for all elements, while Explicit Wait is applied to specific elements with a custom timeout. 8. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? →POM is a design pattern that helps to create an object repository for web elements.POM improves code readability and reusability. It helps to reduce code duplication and improves test case maintenance. 9. How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium? → You can use the switch To method to handle pop-up windows, alert boxes, and frames. 10. What is TestNG, and why is it used in Selenium? →TestNG is an automation testing framework that facilitates test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting in Selenium. 11. Explain the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to()? →Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.navigate().to() allows for forward and backward navigation within the browser history. 12. How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium? → Actions class in Selenium is used to simulate mouse actions like click, drag and drop, and context-click. 13. What is the purpose of the Selenium Grid? →Selenium Grid is used for parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers. 14. Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit)? →driver.close() closes the current browser window while driver.quit() closes the entire browser session. 15. What is Apache POI? →Apache POI is the most popular Java library/API used to interact with Microsoft Excel Sheets. It is used to read data from Excel sheets and write data into Excel sheets.
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Mostly Asked Selenium Interview Questions: 1. What is Selenium? → Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool designed for web application testing. 2. Explain different Selenium components. →Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid are the main components. 3. What is Selenium WebDriver? → Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to interact with web elements and perform actions on web applications. 4. How do you locate elements in Selenium WebDriver? → Elements can be located using methods like ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selectors, and more. 5. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() in Selenium? →findElement() is used to identify a single element present in a webpage whereas findElements() is used to identify multiple elements present in a window. findElement() returns the first matching element, while findElements() returns a list of all matching elements. 6. What is a WebElement in Selenium? → A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page. 7. Explain the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait. →Implicit Wait sets a global timeout for all elements, while Explicit Wait is applied to specific elements with a custom timeout. 8. What is the Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium? →POM is a design pattern that helps to create an object repository for web elements.POM improves code readability and reusability. It helps to reduce code duplication and improves test case maintenance. 9. How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium? → You can use the switch To method to handle pop-up windows, alert boxes, and frames. 10. What is TestNG, and why is it used in Selenium? →TestNG is an automation testing framework that facilitates test configuration, parallel execution, and reporting in Selenium. 11. Explain the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to()? →Both methods navigate to a URL, but driver.navigate().to() allows for forward and backward navigation within the browser history. 12. How can you simulate mouse actions in Selenium? → Actions class in Selenium is used to simulate mouse actions like click, drag and drop, and context-click. 13. What is the purpose of the Selenium Grid? →Selenium Grid is used for parallel test execution on multiple machines and browsers. 14. Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit)? →driver.close() closes the current browser window while driver.quit() closes the entire browser session. 15. What is Apache POI? →Apache POI is the most popular Java library/API used to interact with Microsoft Excel Sheets. It is used to read data from Excel sheets and write data into Excel sheets. #qa #qainterview #sdet
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