If you: 💰 Want to learn more about captive insurance, 📋 Are a self-insured organization interested in funding insurance risks through a captive, or 🗃️ Are interested in learning more about Missouri as a captive domicile, then this is the page for you! Welcome to the new Missouri Captive Insurance Association (MOCIA) page. Follow this space for articles and educational materials on captives; information about future events; and discussion on risk management and insurance. Below is a recent article from Captive Insurance Times, profiling our organization. Read more about MOCIA and hear from our board members here. #captives #riskmanagement #insurance
The new Missouri Captive Insurance Association page looks great!
Principal Attorney at Pitzer Snodgrass, P.C.
3moIt is really exciting to see the contributions #MOCIA is making to the Captive industry in Missouri!