Keyword research is the starting point for Google Ads. Without it, you’re likely to fail. However, most people do it wrong. Here’s why: ❌ They only do keyword research BEFORE they launch their campaigns. Pre-launch research is important, but there’s no way you can find every keyword. Plus, you don’t know which keywords will convert or not. The most important keyword research actually happens AFTER you launch your campaigns. ✅ Here’s how to do post-launch keyword research: 1. Launch your campaigns 2. Check your search term reports 3. Add new relevant/converting terms The way people search, changes every day. There’s a lot of gold in your search term reports... So spend a lot of time analyzing them post-launch. p.s. don’t forget about Dynamic Search Ads! ↓ If you enjoy these small pieces of advice, consider subscribing to my weekly newsletter. I share practical Google Ads tips to help you scale your accounts. → Join 16.700+ PPC experts here:
Wow, it's great to hear someone else feels the same way! I recently had a discussion with a client who was of the opinion that keyword research is only necessary in the initial stages. According to him, once a campaign is launched, all you need to do is optimize the live campaigns, and that's it. So, how do you convince such clients otherwise?
In the digital realm, where algorithms reign supreme, never underestimate the power of the human touch to infuse warmth, empathy, and authenticity into every interaction, fostering genuine connections that transcend pixels and code.
I've recently optimized a google Ads account.. I found no single negative keywords. Although his goal was so limited.. Running all standard ads and no one was dynamic.. When I asked for negative keywords he simply added some negative keywords, using no match type.. and so on...
It also helps you come up with competitors you might have missed. Since phrase match is more and more like broad match, generic keywords will also match with company names.
There also a lot of 💩 that's needs cleaning up too
Real game starts after the launch of campingn.
Miles McNair Hence keyword research & optimization is not a one-day job.
Totally agree. You would love Search Machines keyword scraper and intent tool!
I save my clients money with Google Ads audits and strategy calls.
9moAfter launch is a great time for negatives too, not just within your campaigns but between them to help funnel traffic in the right direction