The GCHQ's MI-4, MI-6, and MI-7 have always allowed Combat Operatives to steal "trophies" from their assigned targets. Oftentimes the trophies have included bank accounts, real estate, and automobiles.
The Mossad's Field Operatives, Turkish Intelligence's Secret Police, the Kremlin's Imperial Command Force, CIA Field Operatives, and NSA Combat Operatives are allowed to do the same. In fact, each agency's screening questionnaire ask the the question, "Would you like to receive special accommodations for your efforts?" An affirmative response to this question is a prerequisite.
"Do not lie."
"Do not cheat."
"Do not steal."
---The Book of Divine Order 1:1-3
"Thou shalt not steal."
"Thou shalt not covet."
---Exo 20:3-4 (Later rewritten within Exodus as Exodus 20:15 & 20:17)
#faith #endtime #Armageddon #apocalypse #scripture
Interesting topic. What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced in implementing an effective inventory system for tracking and managing weapons there?