Here's a MEERKAT (our very own Casey Mae Reed) having a 'giraffe' at the amazing creativity possible when advertising on Clear Channel UK's D6s. Did you get in front of it too Natalie Swinburne Lucy Bairstow Nicola Williams Digital Out of Home formats have so much potential to capture the attention of your audience. If you'd like to learn more about the creative opportunities the Out of Home market offers, get in touch with the MEERKAT media experts Casey Mae Reed or Heidi Carroll. We're friendly and don't bite... unless you are a scorpion. #meerkathappen #meerkatingthemostofmedia #outofhome #digitaladvertising
A great piece of OOH content and credit goes to the guys over at 3ROCK GLOBAL who can create 3D content to run at scale 👏
May start a side hustle as an OOH model 😂
Love it!
Love this Casey!!
Specialist Partner at Clear Channel UK
5dAhhh we loved having you guys visit us, to see the potential that OOH & CC has to offer 🥰